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The Brothers’ Legacy at Manhattan

Inspiring Excellence Across the Decades

The Christian Brothers are our University’s “living endowment,” imbued with a historic commitment to students. At Manhattan, however, they also have earned acclaim beyond the classroom, conducting research and making discoveries that shape the disciplines they teach.

See below for a complete list of the dedicated Brothers who have taught engineering, mathematics and the sciences at Manhattan from the 1800s up to the present day. Now, as we celebrate an impressive milestone — the completion of the Patricia and Cornelius J. Higgins ’62 Engineering and Science Center — we invite all alumni and friends to join in a special effort to honor these faithful scholar-teachers.

Visit the list below for Brothers serving in: 



  • Brother Henry Chaya, FSC (1951-present)
    Br-Henry-Chaya_768.jpgArrived at the University: 1981

    Brother Henry continues to share his knowledge and skills as a practitioner and educator. An associate professor who served as chair of Manhattan’s department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Br. Henry also has assisted students as a counselor and career adviser. In addition, he has taught at Bethlehem University and Christian Brothers Academy.

  • Brother Adjutor Denis Agnew, FSC (1901-1983)
    Arrived at the University: 1936_Br-Adjutor-Denis-Agnew-1_285x205.jpg

    Brother Denis zealously served the Brothers, students and alumni of Manhattan University as a member of the School of Engineering for 50 years. His legacy is marked by a reputation for dynamic action and a genuine concern for his students and confreres. An expert in the field of descriptive geometry, Br. Denis arrived at Manhattan in 1936 to teach in the Civil Engineering department and to serve as head of the Graphics Engineering department. He was beloved by the engineering students, who dedicated the 33rd Annual Engineer’s Ball to him and awarded him the 1961 Engineers “Mug of the Year.” “Men like Br. Denis,” they proclaimed, “make an institution like Manhattan University human.” In addition to his masterful teaching skills, Br. Denis also served as a moderator for the track team and, for over 30 years, an ardent fundraiser for the Christian Brothers’ missions.

  • Brother Benjamin Austin Barry, FSC (1917-2001)


    Arrived at the University: 1943

    Brother Benjamin Austin Barry came to Manhattan in 1943 and spent the next 58 years in civil engineering. Serving as a full professor and department chair, he delivered more than 40 scholarly papers, wrote several books and served as a consultant to companies like Lockheed and construction projects including the I-95 Bridge at Baltimore. In 1990, Br. Benjamin received the Dix Award from the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping.

  • Brother Anselm Gerard Bock, FSC (1925-1982)
    Br-Anselm-Gerard-Bock.jpgArrived at the College: 1957

    Brother Gerard came to Manhattan as a teacher in chemical engineering in 1957, but his tenure was relatively short; for a few years at the University, he was simultaneously assigned as Director of Physical Plant. Br. Gerard's first task was to transform the garage area (where the parking garage exists today) into a chemical laboratory. Practically, creatively, and daringly, he went to work on this vast project, spending months sweating out the details of intricate piping, valves and gauges required for chemical engineering experiments. The building later became the Paulian Laboratories. By 1965, Br. Gerard left the classroom for good and remained at Manhattan University as Physical Plant Director and Prefect until the mid-1970s.

  • Brother Amandus Leo Call, FSC (1900-1980)
    Arrived at the University: 1928


    Brother Amandus guided the School of Engineering as dean from 1930 to 1961. An eminent engineer himself, he advised municipal, state and federal agencies. The first Catholic religious admitted to the New York Academy of Science, he led the effort to create Manhattan’s four principal departments of engineering: Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Chemical.

  • Brother Aquinas Michael Losco, FSC (1925-1993)
    Arrived at the University: 1957Br-Aquinas-Michael-Losco-1_285x205.jpg

    Brother Michael served his entire career as a professor of electrical engineering at Manhattan University. When he was appointed in 1957 to the Electrical Engineering department in the School of Engineering, amid the excitement of “the transistor age,” Br. Michael ushered all electrical engineers into that challenging milieu. In addition, Br. Michael always instilled in his students a sense of the power and potential dangers of electricity. He also strongly believed in its healing powers. What began as an interest in electrostimulation led to additional professional activities. For more than 25 years, Br. Michael worked with Dr. Yoshiaki Omura in the field of biomedical electronics and acupuncture. Together, they were instrumental in the work which led to a “needle-less” method of diagnosis, to ascertain the presence of bacterial viruses or malignant tumors. Br. Michael also helped prepare doctors and dentists for certification in acupuncture by the New York State Board of Medicine. He served on the Board of Directors of the Heart Disease Research Foundation and was a literary associate on the foundation’s journal of the Foundation and regular contributor. Br. Michael unexpectedly passed away at age 67.

  • Brother Aubert of Mary Zehetner, FSC (1903-1960)
    Br-Aubert-of-Mary-Zehetner.jpgArrived at the University: 1930

    Brother Aubert served at Manhattan for over three decades as a professor and leader in the Civil Engineering department. A lecturer on technical topics, he authored a treatise, “Review Problems in Statics and Dynamics,” and was an active member of the New York Society of Professional Engineers as well as the American Society of Civil Engineers. Through his many years of teaching and prefecting, Br. Aubert knew and guided many Manhattan students to success in the field. He also saw many go off to war, and through a voluminous exchange of letters, provided them with counsel and prayer during their service. But beyond his commitment as an engineer, teacher and assistant dean, Br. Aubert was an exceptional humanitarian, for example, launching Manhattan University’s blood bank efforts. Shortly before Br. Aubert’s death in 1960, New York City Mayor Robert Wagner issued a proclamation recognizing his accomplishments with the Blood Bank program.

  • Brother Azarius Michael McCarville, FSC (1877-1930)
    Arrived at the University: 1912

    In 1910, Br. Azarias was assigned to the original De La Salle Institute to supervise engineering courses that ultimately would become part of Manhattan University’s School of Engineering. A few years later, he was assigned to head the University’s Mathematics department, which he continued to serve during the last eighteen years of his life. Br. Azarias drew recognition for abiding interest in the welfare of his students. He twice declined the presidency of Manhattan University, convinced that his best work was in the classroom. In 1921, however, he did accept the position of Dean of the School of Engineering. Br. Azarias was instrumental in enlarging the curriculum and securing up-to-date laboratory equipment and facilities. Under his guidance, courses in Industrial and Architectural Engineering were initiated and the University gained membership in the American Society of Civil Engineering. He also taught surveying and railroad engineering at the University’s engineering camps.  

  • Brother Basilides Joseph Stewart, FSC, (1917-1989)
    Br Basilides Joseph Photo Portrait  Arrived at the University: 1959

    Brother Bill joined Manhattan’s electrical engineering faculty in 1959. In those early days, engineering courses were taught in the somewhat primitive conditions of the temporary classrooms on the hill where the old ballfield used to be. During the 1960s, Br. Bill served as the Career Day Moderator and city-wide coordinator when the University played host to other schools. He also moderated  the publication Manhattan Engineer and for a few years ran the annual engineering ball. Summer experiences included NSF study grants and research opportunities in aviation, feedback systems and nuclear energy at such places as Argonne National Labs, Purdue University and the University of Santa Clara. As enrollment expanded in the engineering school, Br. Bill became its first assistant dean, an acting dean, and assistant dean again. He eventually returned to full-time teaching, particularly the senior elective courses and his special area of expertise, electrical networks. He also taught religion and English literature while serving as the debate team’s coach and moderator. Br. Bill played a pivotal role in the University’s power engineering concentration, teaching energy conversion and power systems, in addition to teaching the nascent field of computer programming.

  • Brother Bernard of Mary Ryan, FSC, (1903-1977)
    Arrived at the University: 1935 Br-Bernard-Mary-Ryan.jpg

    Brother Bernard of Mary, founder of the Electrical Engineering department, was a dynamic teacher, notable author and outstanding administrator. Foreseeing the needs of modern industry, he was chosen to steer the newly formed Electrical Engineering department with an emphasis on the power and the communication fields. A formidable mathematician and physicist, he was the first Christian Brother inducted into the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the first religious in the United States to receive the second highest grade as a member. He also served as acting dean of engineering under the Army Specialized Training Program during World War II. 

  • Brother Bernardine James Elliott, FSC, (1918-1992)
    Arrived at the University: 1955Br-Bernadine-James-Elliott_285x205.jpg

    Brother James came to Manhattan University to teach electrical engineering and a few religion classes in addition to serving serve as prefect of student residences. Br. Jim demonstrated a sincere desire that his students master the intricacies of electricity and electronics. As new courses developed in the field, he quickly absorbed the material and dedicated the preparation required to fashion new content. Br. Jim had special expertise in computer science, engineering mathematics and electromagnetic topics. In the summer of 1962, he — along with other engineers and Christian Brothers — worked  in California designing the Apollo spacecraft, which eventually went to the moon. 

    Br. James was also a pioneer in teaching and using computers on campus, especially main frames. In 1963, when Br. James inaugurated the first Computer Center in Leo Hall, he and Br. Albert Welsh moved the old main frame from Manhattan Hall (now Miguel) stairs and onto a borrowed truck for its journey down the road. Br. James retired in 1989 after three decades in the classroom.

  • Brother Cesarius Paulian Hamilton, FSC (1833-1893)
    Arrived at the University: 1889Br-Cesarius-Paulian.jpg

    The formation of the School of Engineering was, of course, the work of many dedicated scholars and administrators. Yet Brother Cesarius enjoys the title of founder. His years of scholarship at McGill University and his services as a practical and accomplished engineer in Canada and the western United States brought him in 1889 to De La Salle Institute in New York. There, he reorganized the science department and established an engineering curriculum. This ultimately gave rise to Manhattan University’s School of Engineering.

  • Brother Charisius Albert Welsh, FSC, (1917-1985)
    Arrived at the University: 1954Br-Charisius-Albert-Welsh-2_285x205.jpg

    Brother Albert was dedicated to serving others through teaching. Even when he was not offering formal instruction to his students, he was always looking for ways to reach out to others. A brilliant scientist, Br. Albert began his Manhattan University career as a professor of electrical engineering and became chairman of the department in 1961. A skilled engineer, Brother Albert pulled the forces of nature and the materials of his discipline together to create new approaches to problems, developing novel devices and ideas to push forward the thresholds of knowledge. He had a “moving laboratory” installed in the Electrical Engineering department, where he worked on various prototypes, computers, “heat-saving” inventions and solar energy. As a member of the local district planning board, Br. Albert engaged his chemical engineering students to study causes of and possible solutions to the erosion in the south end of Riverdale Park. He was especially giving to those who faced physical obstacles. Toward the end of his life, Br. Albert co-developed a computer program designed to teach visually impaired people the sign-language alphabet in less than one hour.


  • Brother Conrad Timothy Burris, FSC
    Arrived at the University: 1955Br-Conrad-Timothy-Burris-1_295x205.jpg

    Brother Timothy was one of the giants of Manhattan University engineering. He arrived in 1955, when the School of Engineering was located in temporary buildings on the athletic field and only electrical engineering and civil engineering were offered. With this basic engineering program in place and preparations underway for a new engineering building, Br. Tim established the Chemical Engineering department for the freshman class of 1957. The original undergraduate program quickly burgeoned into a robust department with modern laboratories. It was eventually followed by a successful graduate program that saw the development of research programs involving faculty and students. Through Br. Tim’s efforts, Manhattan’s Chemical Engineering department became one of the most respected in the nation. 

    Under his direction, the School of Engineering developed the Particulate Solid Research, Inc. and engaged the support and sponsorship of leading corporate engineering firms across the nation. This resulted in the funding of numerous public and private grants. Serving as a professor, department chair and eventually dean of the School of Engineering, Br. Tim ensured that quality education remained the trademark of the School. In 2002, alumni and friends of the University established the Brother Conrad Timothy Burris Endowment, a chemical engineering tuition and research scholarship.

  • Brother Peter Drake, FSC, Assistant Dean of Engineering (1940-2005)
    Arrived at the University: 1976Br-Peter-Drake-2_285x205.jpg

    Trained as an electrical engineer with expertise in molecular dynamics, optical spectroscopy and nuclear magnetism, Brother Peter came to Manhattan in 1976 to serve double duty as an adjunct instructor in electrical engineering as well as director of Campus Ministry. In addition to teaching, he coordinated programs for minority students in engineering. Br. Peter's administrative ability was recognized when he was appointed assistant dean in 1980 and then acting dean of the School of Engineering in 1983. 

  • Brother Potamian O’Reilly, FSC (1846-1917)
    Arrived at the University: 1896Br.-Potamian-OReilly-1_285x205.jpg

    Brother Potamian was a renowned scientist and pioneer in x-ray technology. Not only was he a leading authority on magnetism and electricity; he also was conversant with every branch of science. Progress in science in the 1870s was rapid, and Br. Potamian enhanced the general understanding  of many new inventions. For example, his first scientific article on the electric lamp was published in 1873. Br. Potamian was aided by friendship on both a personal and scientific level with such electrical pioneers as Lord Kelvin, James Wimshurst and Gilielmo Marconi. Reflecting his own scientific acumen were his personal experiments in magnetism, electronics and telegraphy. Shortly after the first clinical x-ray photograph was produced in 1895, Br. Potamian, using a spark coil, focus tube and wet plate, made a radiograph of a young woman’s hand showing a splinter of steel. It was a one-minute exposure. When the plate was developed, the splint was distinctly seen and promptly removed.

    In 1896, Brother was assigned to Manhattan and appointed the first Dean of the School of Engineering. It was under his guidance that the School expanded its science and engineering facilities and developed into a strong, healthy institution. He also became secretary of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and continued to publish papers on electricity and magnetism.

Mathematics and Science

  • Brother Adalbert Andrew Codyre, FSC (1913-1995)
    Br-Adalbert-Andrew-Codyre.jpgArrived at the University: 1943 or 1954

    When World War II broke out, Brother Andrew was called upon to improve math courses in the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP), which Manhattan University had developed for the Army recruits of college age. Although mobilization for the Battle of the Bulge ended the program and Br. Andrew was reassigned, he eventually returned to Manhattan in 1954 to teach in the Mathematics department. In addition to full-time teaching, Br. Andrew served as a residence hall prefect and as director of the Brothers community.  He became known as one of the University’s most effective math teachers and a pillar of the Manhattan University community.

  • Brother Adrian Joseph Griffin, FSC (1908-1987)
    Br-Adrian-Joseph-Griffin.jpgArrived at the University: 1936

    Brother Joseph returned to Manhattan, his alma mater, in 1936 to teach analytical chemistry. While at the University, he also performed chemical analyses and other tests on materials of construction in the New York City area. In addition, Br. Joseph served as a research consultant in industrial product analyses for companies such as Pfizer Drug Corporation and Ply-O-Glass Corporation of America. In 1964, Brother Joseph left Manhattan to  serve another Brothers’ apostolate at Lincoln Hall.

  • Brother Cyprian John McNamara, FSC (1918-1997)


    Arrived at the University: 1953

    Brother Cyprian John McNamara, FSC, was instrumental in the development of computer-related courses and operations at Manhattan. A mathematician by training, he received a number of National Science Foundation grants and was a member of Sigma Xi, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Association for Computing Machinery.

  • Brother Austin Bernabei, FSC (1928-2013)
    Arrived at the University: 1956Br.-Austin-Bernabei-5_285x205.jpg

    Brother Austin’s work at Manhattan University spanned thirty-five years. Teaching science and mathematics, he was known as an instructor of immense patience and commitment. Undergraduate students appreciated his dedication, scholarship and gentle sense of humor. In addition to teaching, Br. Austin engaged in numerous professional activities as well as research. He worked at Brookhaven National Laboratories in neutron spectroscopy, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in nuclear reactor theory and at Argonne National Laboratory in Mossbauer spectroscopy. His areas of expertise also included medical physics, which brought him to the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Br. Austin held membership in many prestigious honor societies and prominent professional organizations.

  • Brother Austin William Hogan, FSC (1923-2003)
    Arrived at the University: 1964Br-Austin-William-Hogan-1_285x205.jpg

    Brother William began his career at Manhattan University in 1964. During this time, he conducted critical research on the neutrino, which is an element smaller than a neutron. Br. William taught and collaborated with other Manhattan University greats including Brothers Gabriel Kane, Bernard Thomas Kelly and Austin Bernabei in the Physics department. For close to 30 years, Br. William also served as the chief administrator and creative force behind the Computer Center. Training and directing the Center’s staff for over a decade, Br. William retired in 1989.

  • Brother Barnabas Edward O'Neill, FSC, (1915-2001)
    Arrived at the University: 1955Br-Barnabus-Edward-O_Neill.jpg

    Brother Edward joined the Manhattan University faculty in 1955 as an instructor of mathematics. In 1964, Br. Stephen Sullivan, the Academic Vice President, asked him to take a year off and learn all he could about the computer. And he did. Br. Edward was responsible for bringing the first computer to campus and is considered the founding director of the present Computer Center. On his way to becoming a computer wizard, Br. Edward had to step away from the classroom in 1965 when he was sidetracked by administrative work. He was appointed Vice President for Student Services at the beginning of an era of student unrest. Admiring students dedicated the 1966 Manhattanite yearbook to him. The loyalty and love that Br. Edward had inspired in Manhattan University students made him a most likely candidate for the position of director of alumni relations in 1973. With a spirit of creativity and sensitivity, Brother initiated the Alumni Athletic Hall of Fame, the first Career Day, and revitalized the Alumni Banquet.

  • Brother Benedict Francis Rolston, FSC, (1917-1991)
    Arrived at the University: 1955Br-Benedict-Francis-Rolston_285x205.jpg

    Brother Frank taught for 54 consecutive years, right up to the end of his life. He joined the Manhattan University faculty in 1955 as a teacher in mathematics, physics and religious studies. Students regularly commended him for his dedication, clarity of his lectures and availability for outside help. When the University acquired its critical low-power nuclear reactor, Br. Frank was tapped as its operator. He was well prepared, having attended the American Society for Engineering Institute for nuclear engineering at Cornell and Brookhaven in addition to studying  advanced specialized courses in reactor operation sponsored by ASEE and the Atomic Energy Commission at Argonne National Lab and Stanford. He often conducted the reactor demonstrations at the University’s Nuclear Science Laboratories in the Engineering Building. Though he retired from full-time teaching in 1983, Brother Frank remained an important, active lecturer at the University.

  • Brother Bernard Alfred Welch, FSC (1908-1991)
    Arrived at the University: 1936Br-Bernard-Alfred-Welch-1_285x205.jpg

    Brother Alfred served on the University’s mathematics faculty for 38 years. During that time, he chaired the undergraduate department and later served as the head of graduate Mathematics department. Br. Alfred's teaching schedule was heavy and his classes large. Besides math, he also taught religion and orientation. Throughout the postwar era, Br. Alfred became Chair of the Metropolitan Section of the Mathematics Association of America, as well as an active participant in the American Math Society, the National Council of Math Teachers and the New York Academy of Sciences. Over the years, Br. Alfred also authored several articles on mathematics. In addition, Br. Alfred directed the University’s Mathematics Institute, sponsored by the National Science Foundation, which offered courses to math teachers in secondary schools throughout the metropolitan area. In 1963, Br. Alfred earned a Fulbright scholarship to serve as a visiting lecturer at Al-Hikma University in Baghdad, Iraq. There he taught advanced mathematics as a member of the department of Civil Engineering. An avid golfer, Br. Alfred also moderated the University’s varsity golf team.

  • Brother Bernard Gerald Conlon, FSC (1905-1968)
    Arrived at the University: 1942Br-Bernard-Gerald-Conlon.jpg

    Brother Bernard brought his passion for mathematics to Manhattan University in 1942, where he taught for 17 years. His interest in the subject led to positions of honor among his peers: he served as the associate editor of the New York Math Teachers Journal, chair of Bronx County Math Teachers and as a member of the Association of Math Teachers in New England. Br. Bernard had a very warm personality and related well with his students. He continued to teach until his health failed in 1959, when he stepped away from the classroom.

  • Brother Bernard Thomas Kelly, FSC (1912-1970)
    Arrived at the University: 1956Br-Bernard-Thomas-Kelly.jpg

    Brother Thomas joined Manhattan’s physics department in 1956. He proved a tireless force in improving and updating all research activities and experiments in electronics at the University. In 1958, he published “Electronic Measurements and Electronics,” a laboratory manual designed to support textbooks used in the physics department. He also adapted for student use a manual on analog computers published by Electronic Associates Incorporated. Br. Thomas was a member of such  prestigious organizations as the American Association of University Professors, the Association for the Advancement of Engineering Education, the Association of Physics Teachers, and Sigma Pi Sigma, the national physics honor society. The Manhattan University community was shocked and saddened by the news that he suffered a fatal heart attack at only 57 years old.

  • Brother Bonaventure Anthony Buckley, FSC (1902-1990)
    Arrived at the University: 1932Br-Bonaventure-Anthony-Buckley.jpg

    Joining the University faculty in 1932, Brother Anthony taught physics, religion, and mathematics.  He was noted for his kindness to students and fellow colleagues. He also helped to improve physics laboratories in the newly constructed Hayden Science Building. During WWII, Br. Anthony dedicated himself to establishing a laboratory that explored advanced electrical equipment; he also spent time fixing radios for the University. A lifelong educator, he  moved on from Manhattan after fifteen years, continuing to teach physics at high schools in New York, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. He was also a member of the American Association of Physics Teachers and the Instrument Society of America, now known as the International Society of Automation. With an  appreciation for the natural world, Br. Anthony also wrote a well-known  account of one of his many trips into the mountains.

  • Brother Charles William Archibald, FSC (1897-1986)
    Arrived at the University: 1934Br-Charles-William-Archibald.jpg

    Brother Charles joined the Chemistry department in 1934. Subscribing to the belief that students came to learn, he held to rigorous standards in both his chemistry and religion classes. He carefully prepared and conscientiously presented both lessons and laboratory experiments in chemistry. After decades spent in the classroom, Brother Charles retired to pursue other work around the Manhattan University campus, including his invaluable service as director of maintenance of building and grounds. 

  • Brother Chrysostom Basil Connell, FSC (1898-1978)
    Arrived at the University: 1933Br-Chrysostom-Basil-Connell.jpg

    Short and cherubic, Brother Basil was a beloved biology instructor who dedicated 45 years of service to Manhattan University. As a skillful and patient teacher, he had a profound impact on the lives of his students, including physicians who often took their first classes in biology, anatomy and physiology. Br. Basil also helped establish the University’s pre-med program, and he lectured in the sciences at colleges across the country.

  • Brother Conrad Gabriel Kane, FSC (1909-1987)
    Arrived at the University: 1939 Br-Conrad-Gabriel-Kane.jpg

    Manhattan University’s Physics department was born with Brother Gabriel’s arrival in 1939. He quickly set about its founding, changing it from a service department to a distinct major with excellent laboratories and a strong esprit de corps. He remained as the department chair until 1960, when he set out to develop at the University’s New York City’s first critical low-power nuclear reactor. In 1964 the reactor became operational and for several years after, Br. Gabe remained its operator and consultant. Later in his career, he received a patent for an electronic calculator for the blind. Br. Gabe authored numerous scientific articles and held membership in several prestigious societies. During his long career he never lost interest in primary research, co-authoring two books and sixteen articles. Twice he won grants from the National Science Foundation for nuclear research; twice he addressed  the American Physical Society. Governor Nelson Rockefeller appointed him to the General Advisory Committee on Nuclear Energy and in 1967 named him chair of the Committee for Nuclear Studies. In 1977 the Physics Department created the Brother Gabriel Kane Medal to reward excellence in discipline.

  • Brother Conrad William Batt, FSC (1931-2014)
    Arrived at the University: 1959Br-Conrad-William-Batt-3_285x205.jpg

    Brother Bill Batt had an extensive career at Manhattan University. Arriving in 1959, Br. Bill quickly distinguished himself as a popular professor in the field of biochemistry; he also conducted research on thrombin, an enzyme involved in blood clotting. The National Institute of Health awarded him several grants for research in better treatments of blood disorders and chemical reactions of blood. At Manhattan, Br. Bill went on to wear many hats, including chair of the Chemistry Department and director of admissions. After more than a decade in the admissions office, he received a Master’s Degree in Computer Science at Manhattan and continued to teach in the School of Business, becoming head of that department as well. After a brief appointment as President of St. Joseph's Collegiate Institute, Br. Bill returned to teach at Manhattan in 2005. He  remained an eminent scholar all his life.

  • Brother Cosmas Edward Quinn, FSC (1926-1989)
    Arrived at the University: 1959 Br-Cosmas-Edward-Quinn-1_285x205.jpg

    Brother Edward joined the biology faculty at Manhattan University in 1959, launching a 30-year career teaching and advising students who aspired to success as biologists, physicians and dentists. Br. Edward’s most serious concern was that Manhattan remain a great Catholic University and keep its high standards of honesty, integrity, industry and freedom of inquiry. Over the years, he became a close friend of many biologists from other colleges and universities. Shortly before his death, he joined a colleague from the University of Washington’s School of Medicine to co-author a comprehensive study entitled “A Century on Integrating the Biological Sciences.” Although biology was his first love, American history was a close second: he wrote two books on the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

  • Brother Cyprian James Walton, FSC (1909-2003)
    Arrived at the University: 1936Br-Cyprian-James-Walton-1_285x205.jpg

    Brother Cyprian James arrived at Manhattan University in 1936 as a biology instructor. In 1947, he was named to succeed Brother Celestine as chair of the department, a post he filled until 1969. As head of biology and chair of the Premedical Advisory Committee, Br. James was responsible for guiding hundreds of young men who aspired to become physicians. During his career, Br. James held memberships in the Entomological Society of America, the American Genetic Society, the American Society for the Advancement of Science, the New York Academy of Science and Sigma Xi. In addition to a series of lab manuals that he wrote for college students, Br. James was co-author with Brothers Gabriel Kane and Alfred Welch of a college textbook in Apologetics entitled "Foundations of Catholic Belief." In 1969, after 23 years as departmental chair, Brother James stepped down to pursue research in marine biology in the Bahamas as part of a program he had inaugurated with the College of Mount St. Vincent. He continued to lecture part time long after retiring.

  • Brother Cyprian John McNamara, FSC (1918-1997)
    Arrived at the University: 1953Br-Cyprian-John-McNamara.jpg

    Brother John began teaching mathematics at Manhattan in 1953; only a few years later, he became head of the department. As a member of Sigma Xi, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Association for Computing Machinery, Br. John spent many years preparing math contests for Catholic secondary schools. He also taught graduate math classes on Saturday mornings and during the summer. When the University decided to install computers, Br. John prepared himself to use software and taught the new discipline.  He learned and taught programming, and for a while took stacks of punched cards to another college several times a week to have them processed. Br. John received a number of National Science Foundation (NSF) grants for Institutes in Math and Computer Science at Purdue and New Mexico State. He continued teaching a full schedule of math and computer science until he retired in the late 1980s.

  • Brother Cyril Leo Michiels, FSC (1928-2010)
    Arrived at the University: 1974 Br-Cyril-Leo-Michiels.jpg

    Arriving at Manhattan in 1974 to teach chemistry, Brother Leo remained until his retirement in 2001. He quickly became an active and dedicated member of the department and a talented and a teacher much loved by his students. In his more than 20 years at the University, Brother Leo held offices in Sigma Xi, the National Research Honor Society, and served as project director of the National Science Foundation CAUSE program. Besides chemistry, Br. Leo loved music and joined the Manhattan Singers. He traveled to Europe with them in the summers throughout the 1980s, and in 1984, they all sang for the Pope.

  • Brother Honeste Celestine Rigal, FSC (1886-1964)
    Arrived at the University: 1910Br-Honeste-Celestine-Rigal-2_285x205.jpg

    Soon after entering the Christian Brothers in France, Brother Celestine was forced into exile due to the suppression and expulsion of religious from that country.  He arrived at the University in 1910 to teach biology and French, but soon exclusively taught the former, having been appointed head of the biology department in 1923. From 1933 to 1939, Br. Celestine also served as dean of the School of Science. He returned to the classroom and laboratory to teach the influx of students that arrived after World War II. While Br. Celestine had always prepared students for medical school, in 1945, he officially organized the Premedical Advisory Committee and served as its first chair. During the next five decades, Brother readied a veritable army of doctors and dental surgeons. In 1952, for example, the Manhattan Alumni Directory listed 265 doctors and 70 dentists whom Br. Celestine prepared for entrance to medical school. Hundreds of other alumni followed his courses in religion and French. Br. Celestine continued to work with students in the histology laboratory at the newly built Hayden Hall until 1960, when he received the Faculty Golden Jubilee Medal in recognition of his half-century of devoted teaching.

  • Brother Kenneth Fitzgerald, FSC (1930-2015)
    Arrived at the University: 1970Br-Ken-Fitzgerald-1_285x205.jpg

    When Brother Kenneth joined the Mathematics department in 1970, little did his new colleagues realize the eventual impact his presence would have on them, the student body and the University as a whole. His expertise in numerical analysis made him especially welcome due to the growing popularity of  computer science. Long hours outside of the classroom were devoted to helping students who struggled academically. Underlying Br. Kenneth’s teaching philosophy was the assumption that the initiative in the learning process was a student responsibility. He also supervised the construction of the De La Salle Hall nursing home for Brothers in Lincroft, New Jersey, and the development of the University’s Research and Learning Center. In addition, Br. Kenneth served as moderator of the Gaelic Society at Manhattan University where, in 1981, he founded its pipe band. He was also a delegate to the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade. In 2014, a year before his death, The Brother Kenneth Fitzgerald, FSC Restricted Gift Scholarship was established, to be made annually to two students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in mathematics.

  • Brother Peter Henderson, FSC (1932-2021)
    Arrived at the University: 1967Br-Peter-Henderson.jpg

    Specializing in astrophysics, radio astronomy and electronics, Brother Peter joined the faculty of the Physics department in 1967. For just over two decades, Br. Peter stimulated wrote essays and conducted research on topics including the galaxy, Halley’s Comet and particle physics. As an accomplished academic, he authored numerous papers and received many grants, academic awards and fellowships. He also was active in the Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi and Sigma Pi Sigma honor societies.