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About the Campaign

Cuppek_Photography_210720_086.jpgOur University began with a promise. When the Christian Brothers founded Manhattan in 1853, they offered this assurance: to provide “the highest grade of education attained at the best American universities or colleges.” For the Brothers, this meant success in the varied fields that gave rise to Manhattan’s longstanding preeminence in engineering and the sciences.

Their work gained ground in 1892, when Brother Cesarius Paulian Hamilton, FSC, established our School of Engineering. Since then, the Christian Brothers have prepared scores of successful engineers, scientists and those who turn their talents to related fields. Such achievement reflects the Brothers’ charism — their belief that all young men and women have the potential to make a difference. As a result, more than five generations of Jaspers have become leaders in virtually every industry that touches our lives.

This campaign is meant to recognize the impact that the Christian Brothers have had on generations of students and invest in the enduring strength of student and faculty research at the University. 

Contribute to the Brothers Legacy Project

For more information about contributing to The Brothers’ Legacy Project, please contact Kevin Courtney, director, capital campaign: (718) 862-7714; kcourtney01@manhattan.edu