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About Us

Emphasizing the positive impact of physical activity on health, society, and quality of life, the mission of the Department of Kinesiology is to create and disseminate knowledge, engage in community service, and prepare caring and competent exercise science, physical education teaching, and public health professionals. The Department of Kinesiology provides an excellent learning environment through a breadth of content knowledge, attention to high impact practices, faculty engagement, research opportunities, internships, and professional involvement.

Majors & Programs

  • Exercise Science

    Exercise science is the study of human movement. This field examines how physical activity, exercise, sport and rehabilitation can help improve peoples’ lives.
  • Physical Education

    Physical education is the instruction of motor skills, games and lifelong physical fitness. Physical education in K-12 schools also includes the teaching of social and personal skills related to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Public Health

    Public health is a science that aims to protect and promote the health of all people and the communities in which they live, work, learn and play. Specifically, the field of public health aims to prevent disease and injury
  • What is Kinesiology
    Kinesiology is an academic discipline which involves the study of physical activity and its impact on health, society, and quality of life. It includes, but is not limited to, such areas of study as exercise science, sports management, athletic training and sports medicine, socio-cultural analyses of sports, sport and exercise psychology, fitness leadership, physical education-teacher education, and pre-professional training for physical therapy, occupational therapy, medicine and other health related fields (American Kinesiology Association).