Environmental History Expert to Speak at Manhattan College on Oct. 9

Yale historian and author of “The Bet,” Paul Sabin, will discuss the deepening national conflict over the future of the planet.

Yale historian Paul Sabin, Ph.D., will visit Manhattan College’s campus on Oct. 9 and present Betting the Planet: Population Growth and Resource Scarcity Debates Since the 1970s. The event is sponsored by Manhattan College’s Center for Urban Resilience and Environmental Sustainability (CURES).

Sabin’s talk is based on his new book, The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble Over Earth’s Future (Yale University Press, 2013). The book recounts the rise of the environmental movement and the backlash against it by examining American debates over population growth and resource scarcity since the 1960s.

As an associate professor of history at Yale University, Sabin teaches United States environmental history, energy politics and political, legal and economic history courses. He also coordinates the Yale Environmental History working group, and helps run Yale’s undergraduate environmental studies major.

After earning his doctorate in 2000 from the University of California, Berkeley, where his dissertation won the 2001 W. Turrentine Jackson Award, he spent a year as the Newcomen Post-Doctoral Fellow in business history at the Harvard Business School. While launching his academic career, Sabin served for nine years as the founding executive director of the nonprofit Environmental Leadership Program, which has trained and supported a collaborative network of more than 500 talented public leaders from higher education, government, businesses and nonprofit organizations. He presently serves on the Environmental Leadership Program’s board of trustees.

The Oct. 9 CURES event will start at 7 p.m. in Smith Auditorium and is open to the public. Please call (718) 862-7252 or email jeffrey.myers@manhattan.edu with questions about the event.

CURES launched in 2012 as a way to further promote the importance of urban sustainability and environmental justice within the academic community. Read more about CURES.

By MC Staff