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Center for Urban Resilience & Environmental Sustainability

Recognizing that the human future is increasingly an urban one, the Center for Urban Resilience and Environmental Sustainability (CURES) at Manhattan University supports research, teaching, and community outreach in the areas of urban resilience, sustainability, and environmental justice, consistent with our Lasallian Catholic heritage.

CURES logoCURES is committed to a transdisciplinary approach that brings scientific research, social science analysis, and engineering expertise together with humanistic inquiry into the ethical and aesthetic dimensions of environmental thought, in order to imagine solutions for the environmental challenges unique to cities and their surrounding environments.

We seek an understanding of environmental issues in the New York metropolitan area and the Lower Hudson Watershed that will help make our local community—as well as urban areas around the globe—more environmentally resilient, sustainable, and just, through the dissemination of research and expertise to policy makers, business leaders, and nonprofit organizations.