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Campus Sustainability

rooftop gardenManhattan University is constantly working toward making campus more sustainable and decreasing the carbon footprint of its students, faculty and administration. The University has established a Sustainability Committee that is spearheading these efforts. The committee is composed of students, faculty and administrators.

To focus our sustainability efforts, Manhattan University has partnered with The Association for Advancement in Sustainability for Higher Education (AASHE). This partnership will provide Manhattan University with direction and leadership to guide our efforts in reducing the University’s carbon footprint.

Additionally, in collaboration with the University’s dining services provider, Gourmet Dining, Manhattan University has constructed a campus community garden that grows salad greens and vegetables that are served in the cafeterias.

The Sustainability Committee has established several initiatives including:

  • Composting with material from the cafeterias
  • Rooftop Garden Project: Students worked to build Manhattan University’s first rooftop garden atop the school’s Broadway Parking Garage. The project’s purpose is to explore the feasibility and benefits of urban agriculture.
  • Bronx River House Research Group: Students across schools work together to collect environmental and economic data from the Bronx River House at Starlight Park.