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Chemical Engineering

  1. ACE Day Event

    Manhattan College Hosts ACE Mentor Day

    The ACE Day event was attended by 129 guests, including 66 high school students.    

  2. Angelina Persaud

    Chemical Engineering Student Completed Summer Internship at Columbia University Climate Research Laboratory

    Angelina Persaud ’25, studied the applications of ultrasonic technology for drying processes to increase energy efficiency.    

  3. Dominique Whyte

    Chemical Engineering Student Wants to Break Negative STEM Stereotypes

    Dominique Whyte ’25 is also passionate about her research in sustainable energy and development.  

  4. Women in STEM Panel

    Women in STEM Event Brings Together Alumnae, Faculty and Students to Share their Professional, Academic and Research Accomplishments

    The event introduced prospective students to the unique opportunities that await them at Manhattan College. 

  5. Christian Brothers Academy Lincroft students visit the School of Engineering

    Lasallian High School Students Spend a Memorable Day at Manhattan College

    Students from Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft visited the College’s STEM facilities

  6. Students in chemical engineering lab

    Chemical Engineering Department Increasing Applied Research Opportunities

    The department is collaborating with Insplorion on new opportunities in cosmetics and biopharmaceuticals.

  7. Mark Blenner '04 in the lab with colleagues

    Chemical Engineer Awarded Presidential Early Career Award

    Mark Blenner ’04 was nominated for his work that could someday help enable missions to Mars.