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We have two buildings dedicated to suite-style housing on campus. In a suite, you will share an adjoined bathroom with the roommates who live in your suite, rather than sharing with the entire floor.

Suite-style housing offers more independence and privacy than traditional halls but requires more effort in getting to know students outside your suite, and tends to be more popular among upperclassmen. As a suite resident, you will typically share a bedroom with one other student, and share a bathroom with another double-occupancy room. There are also a few larger suites that have three- and five-person bedrooms.

Gender-specific suites are mixed on all floors. Also, each floor has a kitchenette and study lounge.

Horan & Lee Halls

Horan Hall houses approximately 400 students in suite style rooms with freshly updated bathrooms. Lee Hall is home to approximately 550 students on 10 floors. Lee Hall is home to all of our first-year students, while Horan houses our continuing and transfer students.

Lee Hall is home to our first-year living and learning community, the Arches. All of these residence communities are different but they each provide an opportunity to forge new friendships and participate in special programs and excursions.


  • Cable TV and internet access in every room
  • A lounge on each floor with flat-screen TVs and a kitchen/dining area
  • A laundry room on every floor
  • Recreation rooms with pool tables, ping-pong and other games
  • Study rooms for quiet work or small-group projects
  • Vending machines for snacks and beverages
  • Wireless internet throughout the building
  • Access to Amazon Lockers on the lobby floor

Video Tour of Lee Hall

Take a look inside Lee Hall, our newest suite-style housing option on campus.

More Information

Visit the Inside Manhattan website for more information about housing policies, room assignments, move-in/move-out dates and other items concerning current resident students.

Residence Life Website