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Sigma Delta Tau

Sigma Delta Tau graphic

Manhattan University’s Sigma Delta Tau, Delta Mu chapter was established in 2013, and has since solidified its reputation for philanthropy and sisterhood.

The sisters have gone above and beyond for their community, most notably by raising funds for Prevent Child Abuse America (PCAA). They regularly orchestrate and hold various fundraisers to benefit the PCAA, whose goal is to prevent the violent cycle of child abuse and create safe environments for children.

The chapter also contributes to Women for Women International, a group that connects female survivors of war and conflict to tools and resources that help them overcome crisis and poverty, and eventually become stable and self-sufficient.

In the past, the sorority has hosted donation-based pasta dinners and other events to raise awareness for issues that members care most about.

So why rush Sigma Delta Tau? According to the sisters, you’ll emerge with:

  • enriched lifetime experiences with women who share similar ideals
  • lasting friendships
  • personal growth

How to Join

Any female Manhattan University student is welcome to rush Sigma Delta Tau. Rush events are held during the first few weeks of each fall and spring semester. Once rush events are over and the new pledge class is selected, Sigma Delta Tau events are generally for sisters only unless otherwise advertised.

For more information, email