Lasallian Collegians is a campus club open to everyone that combines a love for Manhattan University with a drive to engage in faith service and community. Throughout the year, students in Lasallian Collegians organize an annual holiday toy drive, run campus-wide blood drives and take part in Safe Halloween, an event run by Kappa Delta Pi that invites Bronx residents to trick-or-treat on campus. Its members can also attend various retreats that strategize ways to embody our Lasallian heritage. Lasallian Collegians seek to live out the principles of our founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle:
- Excellence in teaching
- Respect for human dignity
- Reflection on faith and its relation to reason
- An emphasis on ethical conduct
- Commitment to social justice
How to Join
Sign up at the biannual activities and volunteer fair which happens at the start of each fall and spring semester, or contact the club directly at lasalliancollegians@manhattan.edu.