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The Road2College

image of pre adolescent girls sitting at laptops in classroom.Do you want to be a part of a middle school student’s future success?

Our mission is to help low-income students and their families navigate the long and sometimes confusing process of selecting their best fit high school from among 400+ schools and 700+ programs in NYC. Our volunteers are trained and work with Community Based Organizations to provide bilingual workshops on the complicated NYC DOE high school match process to middle school students and their parents. Our volunteers also help middle school students transition to their chosen high school as well as provide early college and career awareness. Our goal is to prepare our students to make informed decisions at every stage of their academic career to ensure their future success. If you have a passion for youth development, PLEASE JOIN US!

How to Join

Sign up at the biannual activities and volunteer fair which happens at the start of each fall and spring semester, or contact Olga Murphy, AmeriCorps*VISTA or Corine Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., at