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Kappa Delta Pi

International honor society for students of education

Kappa Delta Pi Seal

Kappa Delta Pi, the education honor society, was established to foster excellence in education and promote fellowship among those dedicated to teaching. Membership is open only to the top 20 percent of those entering the education field. This prestigious honor society does not offer a one-time honor, but rather calls its members to a lifetime pursuit of knowledge, fidelity to humanity, service to others, and zeal for the education of youth. Accordingly, its members are urged to continue active membership, either in their original chapter or in one of the many alumni chapters throughout the country.

The Manhattan University Mu Sigma chapter was established in 1968. Today, it is one of the most active honor societies on campus. Our Kappa Delta Pi chapter sponsors an annual service trip abroad and is involved with community service efforts throughout the year including sponsoring events for neighborhood children such as Safe Halloween, Winter Wonderland and Literacy Alive. The honor society also hosts career panels focused on various aspects of the education field.


To qualify for membership, students must:

  • Express intent to continue in the field of education
  • Demonstrate worthy educational ideals, professionalism, leadership and equity

Undergraduates must:

  • Have 30 semester hours completed
  • Have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.25 (on a 4.00 scale)
  • Have at least 9 semester hours of Professional Education courses programmed, in progress, or completed

Graduate students must:

  • Have completed 6 semester hours of graduate work in current program
  • Have a cumulative grade-point average on all graduate work of at least 3.5 (on a 4.00 scale)
  • Have at least 12 hours of professional education courses in progress, scheduled or completed

Contact kappadeltapi@manhattan.edu with any questions about eligibility!


Ruth Zealand, Ph.D.