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Mu Kappa Tau

National honor society for students of marketing

 Mu Kappa Tau Seal

Mu Kappa Tau is recognized nationwide as the only marketing honor society to offer both national recognition and chapter affiliation to its members. The society seeks to:

  • encourage and recognize scholarship and high academic accomplishment among marketing students
  • stimulate interaction and the exchange of ideas between members
  • promote the advancement of education in marketing
  • foster integrity in the conduct of marketing careers
  • bring marketing professionals and students together on the basis of mutual interest, understanding and helpfulness

The Manhattan University chapter was established in 1999.


Undergraduate marketing major students will qualify for Mu Kappa Tau induction by meeting all of the following criteria:

  1. Must have completed at least three semesters at Manhattan University
  2. A minimum overall cumulative GPA of 3.25
  3. Ranking in the top 10% of the Junior Class or the top 20% of the Senior Class


MJ Kim, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Marketing