The Communication Club organizes social events and professional opportunities for students who are majoring in or share an interest in the field of communications, advertising, media production, journalism, public relations, sports media production, integrated marketing communications and more. In the past, members have had the opportunity to:
- attend special screenings and live taping of shows like television
programs in New York City
- assist with large-scale events in the city like New York Fashion Week
- hear from panels of successful alumni who work in the communication industries
- mentor high school students with an interest in
- learn about exclusive internships, job opportunities and professional development workshops
- stay up-to-date on industry trends and news
How to Join
All students are welcome to join the Communication Club, but communication majors and minors will benefit most from membership. Sign up at the biannual activities and volunteer fair which happens at the start of each fall and spring semester, or contact the Communication, Sound and Media Arts Department.