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Alpha Phi Delta

The brothers of Alpha Phi Delta

Alpha Phi Delta is a national fraternity rooted in its founders’ Italian heritage. Since its creation in 1914 at Syracuse University, more than 20,000 men have become part of a legacy that continues on Manhattan’s campus, where members of the Beta Beta chapter take pride in their letters and lends support to the University and community.

During the spring semester each year, Alpha Phi Delta runs a “Hoops for Troops” basketball tournament to raise funds for the charity, Homes for our Troops. Alpha Phi Delta also does philanthropic work to support a children’s cancer foundation, and hosts social events focused on developing community among the brothers.

How to Join

Any male Manhattan University student is welcome to rush Alpha Phi Delta. Rush events are held during the first few weeks of each fall and spring semester. Once rush events are over and the new pledge class is selected, Alpha Phi Delta events are generally for brothers only unless otherwise advertised.

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