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Commencement this year may not be what any of us expected, but that doesn't make the accomplishments of our class of 2020 any less impressive.

We recognize the milestone achievements of Manhattan University's spring graduates and anxiously await the opportunity to celebrate in person when the time is right. Congratulations to all. 

Your Manhattan University degree is a lifelong treasure that nothing can take away from you. We look forward eagerly to the moment when our current separation is a memory and we rejoice in our reunion as a community once more.

— President O'Donnell

[ Graduates ]

Miguel Díaz-López '20 Named Undergraduate Valedictorian

Miguel will deliver the valedictory address on behalf of his classmates at an Undergraduate Commencement ceremony to be held at a future date.

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[ Graduates ]

Hongbin Xu ’19, ’20 (M.S.) Named Spring Commencement Valedictorian

Hongbin will deliver the valedictory address on behalf of his classmates at a Spring Commencement ceremony to be held at a future date.

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