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President's Letter to Manhattan College Graduates

Dear Graduates of the Class of 2020,

We have missed you so much these past several weeks! Yes, we’ve continued to be in touch as much as we can as you’ve navigated—so well—the challenges of finishing your semester remotely. But we still feel your absence at a time of year when we should be together on our beautiful campus, enjoying conversation and laughter on the Quad, and anticipating the excitement and joy of celebrating with you as you finish your degrees and embark on your journeys as Jasper alumni. 

But there are consolations, as well. You’ve earned your degrees and showed tremendous determination and resilience in the process. Your Manhattan College degree is a lifelong treasure that nothing can take away from you. We are also consoled by the fact that Commencement, though delayed, is not cancelled! We will have an opportunity to welcome you back to campus, to honor your academic achievements, to give thanks at our Baccalaureate Mass, and to join with your faculty mentors, family, friends, and loved ones in formally marking this milestone moment in your lives. 

We look forward eagerly to that moment, when our current separation is a memory and we rejoice in our reunion as a community once more. Be well. God Bless and Go Jaspers!

Brennan O'Donnell, Ph.D.