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Donor Recognition Events

Manhattan University holds two events each year to formally thank its generous donors and benefactors. The President's Dinner, a black-tie event, and the Benefactor's Reception, a cocktail reception, are tailored especially to the members of the University community who remain financially involved.

Our annual donor recognition events include:

  • Benefactor's Reception

    Benefactor's Reception 2023

    The Benefactor's Reception is a cocktail reception to thank those who are among the University's most generous supporters.  Held in early fall, this reception honors those who gave between $1,000 and $4,999 during the previous fiscal year.  Also invited are those who have given $50,000 or more during their lifetime, as well as members of the Covenant Society.

    Join the Cupola Club by making a gift of $1,000 to $1,499, the Leadership Group with a gift of $1,500 to $2,499, or the Lasallian Society by making a gift of $2,500-$4,999.

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  • President's Dinner

    President's Dinner 2023

    The President's Dinner is a black-tie event to thank those who have generously supported the University at the highest levels. Held in September, this dinner honors those who gave $5,000 or more during the previous fiscal year. Also invited are those who have given $100,000 or more during their lifetime.  

    Join the President's Council today by making a gift of $5,000 or more.

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