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Senior Class Gift

graduatesThe Senior Class gift is a long-standing tradition at Manhattan University, and the first chance for graduating seniors to collectively leave a legacy on campus.

Why Give to Manhattan?

  • Your gift will have a direct impact on students who follow in your footsteps. The Senior Legacy Scholarship will be awarded to a rising senior (or two) who may be in jeopardy of not graduating due to unplanned financial need.

  • Your donation helps increase the value of your diploma. Your gift, combined with those of fellow Seniors and Alumni, go into the determination of Manhattan’s placement in U.S. News and World Report rankings and will help improve Manhattan University's ranking against other schools. Also, when the university, departments or campus organizations apply for grants, foundations and boards often look for high participation rates.

  • You can thank a professor or staff member who made a difference in your university experience. It’s a great way to say thank you.

How to Support the Senior Class Gift

Commemorate your upcoming graduation and take the first step in becoming an involved alum by making a gift of any size.

*If you make a gift of $20.25 or more, you will receive a pair of "Jaspers" socks. 

  • Give via major credit cardmake your gift online and follow the steps to contribute to the Senior Class Gift. If you prefer, you can submit a gift form and send your credit card gift in the mail.
  • Give via check: download and complete the gift form and send along with your check by mail. Please make checks payable to Manhattan University and indicate your graduation year in the note section.  You can also drop your completed form off at the Office of Advancement located on the First Floor of Memorial Hall between 9am and 5pm, Monday-Friday. 
Questions? Please call 718-862-7701 or email  

Make a gift now