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Detachment 560 Bronx Bombers - USMMA Air Force & Space Force Interest Application

Thank you for your interest in joining the United States Air Force or United States Space Force. We will recruit, train and retain America's best young men and women to provide global vigilance, reach and power to our nation in the 21st century. We will command and lead effectively at all levels-with decisiveness and concern for our people. We'll provide an environment that encourages all our people to achieve personal and professional excellence, taking pride in being part of the aerospace force that is respected the world over.

We look forward to having you part of our application and admission process. In addition here are few of the key Incentives of our program:

  • Upon contracting a stipend - $450-$500/month (Pending on Year Standing)
  • Rated, Line, and Space Force Officer Career Opportunities
  • Leadership & Professional Development

Application Process

To be considered for an Air Force or Space Force contract and commission, an applicant must complete all of the requirements listed below. Unfortunately, we can no longer accept applicants after the first trimester of their Sophomore year. Applicants are encouraged to apply as early as possible to work around sea duty and academy requirements. Follow Steps 1-5 to be considered.

Midshipmen must complete the application process in order to compete for an Enrollment Allocation.

Requirements to Contract
  • Minimum 2.0 CGPA / 2.0 TGPA
  • DD Form 368 Conditional Release
  • BMI/Body Fat Standards
  • Pass Physical Fitness Test (Push Ups/Sit Ups/1.5 Mile Run/AC)
  • DoDMERB Certified/Qualified (Expiration after Commissioning Date)
  • Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (Verbal – 15/Quantitative – 10)
  • Test of Basic Aviation Skills [Rated Applicants Only]
  • Meet Drug/Alcohol/Civil Involvement Criteria
  • Step 1: Complete the USMMA Initial Application Form
  • Step 2: Create an account in Air Force Wings and submit initial documentation

    Full Wings account creation and application 

    Submit documents 1-7 in a single message to :

    • 1. Copy of Birth Certificate or Naturalization Certificate
    • 2. Copy of Social Security Card
    • 3. Most recent USMMA transcripts
    • 4. USMMA Class Rank
    • 5. Copy of your SAT or ACT scores
    • 6. MALES ONLY: Selective Service ID #: Obtain using the selective service system. Print the official letter of verification from Selective Service.

    To complete the application:

    • Have USMMA forward your Approved DoDMERB Physical to the Air Force
    • Schedule, complete, and submit your 10-panel drug test
    • Complete the in-person paperwork with your USMMA Air Force Liaison

    If you have any questions please contact the Air Force Liaison at Det 560

    Detachment phone number: (718)-862-7201

    Detachment email:

  • Step 3: Schedule & Take Qualifying Test

    Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA)

    • The assessment components are comprised of the following:
    • Abdominal circumference measurements
    • Aerobic component evaluated by the 1.5-mile timed run
    • Muscular fitness component evaluated by the number of push-up and sit-ups completed within one minute

    Required for all officers candidates--must accomplish each term until graduation.

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    Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT)

    • The AFOQT measures aptitudes used to select candidates for officer commissioning programs and specific commissioned officer training programs
    • The AFOQT consists of 12 subtests. Subtest scores are combined to generate composite scores used to help predict success in certain types of Air Force training programs

    Required for ALL officers candidates.

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    AFOQT Pamplet

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