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Deposit Deadline Extension

The Deposit Deadline has been extended to May 15

Submit your deposit.


  • Do I have to be enrolled as a student at Manhattan College to be a part of Detachment 560?
    No! Detachment 560 (Manhattan College) has cadets from several "crosstown" schools in the New York City Area. Click here for comprehensive list of cross towns.
  • What do I need to do to join?
    To be eligible, you must be enrolled as a full-time student (12 credit hours) at Manhattan College or one of our cross-town campuses. To join click here for our application process.
  • Do I have to join Air Force ROTC as a freshman?
    No. Any student with at least three years remaining in their studies are eligible to join Air Force ROTC. Please give us a call at (718) 862-7201 and we'll determine if you have enough time remaining in your studies to complete Air Force ROTC.
  • What jobs does the Air Force and Space Force have?

    If there is a job in the civilan sector, something similar exists in the Air Force and/or Space Force. Check out the Air Force Career Page for more details.

  • Are there any restrictions as to what students select as their academic major?
    No restrictions at all.  In fact, you are encouraged to take a curriculum you are interested in and in which you have the capability to do well.  
  • Can someone participate in Air Force ROTC without a scholarship?
    Yes! Many of our students do not start with a scholarship but earn one eventually. At any given time, approximately 75% of our students receive financial assistance, but they are not required to receive a scholarship to complete the program and graduate as an officer in the Air Force or Space Force.
  • What is an example of a typical Friday Schedule?
    Detachment 560 generally follows Manhattan College's academic calendar. All of our training sessions take place on Fridays. Students must make every effort to arrange their academic schedules to be completely open on Fridays so that they can be on the Manhattan College campus for the entire day. Mandatory activities typically start at 8:30 AM end by 5:30 PM. Extracurricular activities such as Honor Guard, Arnold Air Society, and i5 Space Force Club can run later.
  • Will I have to go to boot camp?
    AFROTC cadets participate in a two-week training program during the summer between their second and third year in AFROTC. This two-week program is called "Field Training" and it is the AFROTC equivalent of boot camp. You will spend your first two years in the AFROTC program learning the skills that you will need in order to be successful at Field Training. Field Training takes place at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. While you are at Field Training, you will receive career orientation, survival training, weapons familiarization, physical training, and familiarization with the organization and function of an Air Force and Space Force base.
  • Do I have to sign an active duty contract in order to join?

    No, not to join AFROTC. You will sign a contract at some point during your AFROTC career, which will obligate you to spend four years as an active duty Air Force or Space Force officer. If you are a high school scholarship winner, you will have the first year of AFROTC to try it out and decide if it's something that you want to continue to do. You can leave the AFROTC program (and end your scholarship benefits) any time during the first year of the program.

    If you are not a high school scholarship winner, you have the first two years of your AFROTC career to decide if the Air Force/Space Force is a path you'd like to pursue for a career. If, during your first two years in the program, you decide not to continue with AFROTC you can leave with no obligation to the service. However, once you return from Field Training and begin your third year in the program, you will sign a contract that obligates you to spend four years as an active duty Air Force or Space Force officer.

    If you receive an in-college scholarship, you will sign a contract that obligates you to a four year active duty commitment when you accept the scholarship.

  • I have a medical condition. Can I still join AFROTC?

    To become a fully qualified cadet, you must take and pass a DoDMERB (Department of Defense Medical Examination Review Board) physical. This exam will be provided to you at no cost within your first few weeks of participating in AFROTC.

    All medical qualification decisions are made by a team of medical professionals on a case-by-case basis. Students who are concerned about something in their medical history are encouraged to discuss the issue with the AFROTC detachment staff; however, we do not have the expertise or authority to make final judgments about your qualifications for the program.

  • What about scholarships?
    For the most up to date information about the AFROTC scholarship program, click here. If you have specific questions about the scholarship program, please contact us at (718) 862-7201 or by email at