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Paris, France (Fall/Spring)

Illustration of ideation process

Immerse yourself in French language and culture while taking courses in a variety of fields through the MICEFA consortium! This exchange program is open to all majors and does not require French competency to participate. Manhattan University, in partnership with MICEFA, places accepted students at one of 15 universities around Paris and the surrounding region.

Dates Offered

This is a full-semester program. 

  • Fall semester
  • Spring semester

Courses & Credits

This program is open to all majors. A wide variety of courses are available; the exact selection depends on the student's level of French and the MICEFA consortium member university that they are placed at. All students must take an intensive French language class at the beginning of their time in Paris as part of this program. Students may opt to round out their schedule with further French language and/or culture coursework or to take subject-specific coursework.


Students are responsible for purchasing roundtrip airfare to and from Paris.

Interested in this pogram and looking to learn more about academics, cost, financial aid, housing, travel, and student life? Email to set up a time to meet with an advisor and have all of your questions answered!