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Micro Credentials & Certificates

Bring the program to you and learn by using your computer.

Our Micro-Credentials and certificates allow participants to expand their knowledge or acquire new skills to enter a new industry. Our Micro-Credential courses could be stackable horizontally and vertically. This stackability means that participants can take our business and entrepreneurial Micro-Credentials and build on top of them. Also, participants can add Micro-Credentials to strengthen their managerial and non-profit skills, allowing them to enter new industries to expand their specialization areas.

When acquiring our Micro-Credentials, participants receive digital badges that could be added and promoted on social media platforms. They can also be embedded in the participant’s digital resume or curriculum vitae, allowing learners to digitally advertise the training they’ve completed and the skills they’ve mastered outside of their formal degrees.

Our Micro-Credential courses vary in time; some could be done in 48 hours and others in over 120-hour online intensives. The classes are fully online and asynchronous, which means participants can finish them at their own pace.

  • Popular Micro Credentials & Certificates
    • Digital Marketing

      PMI PDUs: 10.5; Business Acumen PDUs: 4.75; Ways of Working PDUs: 5.75; IACET CEUs: 3 (Contact Hours: 30 hours); HRCI Credits: 22.5 (Type: Specified - Strategic Business: 22.5); SHRM PDCs: 30; ACE Credits: 3

      Digital marketing helps organizations promote and sell products and services through online marketing methods such as social media messaging, website ads, Facebook marketing campaigns, Google AdWords, and more. It’s vital to develop a marketing strategy that keeps up with technology. This Micro-Credential covers strategic issues, marketing methods and tactics, industry terminology, and best practices. Each of the nine courses in this suite offers examples, videos from industry-leading practitioners, interactive games, and review questions to ensure mastery of the material.

    • Cybersecurity

      PMI PDUs: 30; Power Skills PDUs: 4; Business Acumen PDUs: 9.5; Ways of Working PDUs: 16.5 IACET CEUs: 4 (Contact Hours: 40 hours); HRCI Credits: 30 (Type: Specified - Strategic Business: 25); SHRM PDCs: 30

      Cybersecurity, also known as Information Security, protects data and personally identifiable information from malicious attacks, theft, and destruction. This Certificate covers failures of cybersecurity policies, both in large corporations and governmental agencies, that have earned significant visibility and negative publicity in recent months and years. As the amount of data being stored continues to increase and as hackers become more sophisticated, the need for cybersecurity is greater than ever.

    • HR Management

      PMI PDUs: 6; Power Skills PDUs: 1.75; Business Acumen PDUs: 3; Ways of Working PDUs: 1.25; IACET CEUs: 2.1 (Contact Hours: 21 hours); HRCI Credits: 21 (Type: General: 18, Specified - Strategic Business: 3); SHRM PDCs: 19.5; ACE Credits: 2

      An effective human resource management strategy is an asset to any company. However, those running small businesses often cannot justify designating a full-time HR professional to manage employee relations, compensation, policymaking, performance management, and employee appraisals. This suite of courses will teach participants the basics of managing the benefits and policies that support an effective staff. What does an employer need to know about anti-discrimination regulations? What are the key aspects of pay policies? This Micro-Credential has no textbooks or prerequisites.

    • Data Analytics

      PMI PDUs: 25; Power Skills PDUs: 7; Business Acumen PDUs: 8; Ways of Working PDUs: 10; IACET CEUs: 3 (Contact Hours: 30 hours); HRCI Credits: 30 (Type: Specified - Strategic Business: 30); SHRM PDCs: 30

      This Certificate in data analytics provides an overview of topics in statistics and their applications in a variety of fields. The program presents the basics of quantitative analysis and its increasing use in today’s professional landscape. Learners are exposed to quantitative decision-making tools and techniques, which tie into real-world case studies. Each course in this program utilizes games, videos, interactive exercises, quizzes, real-world case studies, and other engaging content to ensure rapid mastery of the content and direct application.

    • Non-Profit Management

      IACET CEUs: 4.4 (Contact Hours: 44 hours); HRCI Credits: 35 (Type: Specified - Strategic Business: 27, General: 8); SHRM PDCs: 44; CFRE Points: 39; ACE Credits: 3

      This Micro-Credential introduces learners to key current management issues for nonprofit organizations. Fundraising, board and volunteer development, budgeting, reading financial statements, leadership, marketing, and setting strategic direction are all addressed, and video commentary on these crucial topics provides insight into how nonprofit professionals apply key concepts in their organizations—some courses in this program award CFRE credits.

    • Leadership

      PMI PDUs: 20; Power Skills PDUs: 13.75; Business Acumen PDUs: 0.5; Ways of Working PDUs: 5.75; IACET CEUs: 2 (Contact Hours: 22.5 hours); ATD CI Credits: 23; HRCI Credits: 20 (Type: General: 16, Specified - Strategic Business: 4); SHRM PDCs: 20; ACE Credits: 3

      This Micro-Credential teaches essential leadership skills to help learners stand out as leaders among their peers. The coursework discusses leadership theories and offers real-world practical explanations and definitions. Throughout five segments, learners will explore questions such as: What is leadership, and why is it important? How does a leader encourage change without triggering fearful resistance? What are the key elements to leading an effective team? What is the role of charisma in leadership? How can a leader achieve work-life balance? 
    • Requirements

      Students taking online and remote courses are expected to meet the following technical requirements to ensure the success of their academic experience.


      Students should have a desktop computer or laptop with following:

      • An up-to-date operating system, e.g.,Windows 10 (PC) or MacOS 10.15 or higher
      • A built-in camera or external webcam 
      • Built-in or external microphone and speakers. Headphones with a built-in microphone is strongly recommended.

      Some non-credit SCPS programs may be successfully completed using mobile devices, please speak to your advisor for more information. 

      Internet Access 

      Students should have a dedicated broadband internet connection, e.g., DSL, cable, and an updated internet browser, such as the most recent Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.


      Some of our programs require you to submit papers, project summaries, and presentations to demonstrate learning and knowledge. To meet this requirement students should have access to various productivity tools, such as Microsoft Office or iWork. If you need Microsoft Office, the College provides access to Office 365 free of charge. You may also need a PDF viewer or media player to access course readings and multimedia. Please speak to your advisor for more information about your specific program.

      College Sponsored Technologies

      As a student at Manhattan College, you have access to several learning platforms, including the Google Suite for Education, e.g., Gmail, Google Meet, Google Drive, and Google Calendar, and the Moodle Learning Management System. Before the start of your courses, it is highly recommended that you review the following resources provided by the ITS Help Desk.

      G Suite Documentation
      Moodle Student Guide

      If you have any questions concerning the College’s online and remote delivery technologies, you can contact the Manhattan College ITS Help Desk at (718) 862-7973 or its@manhattan.edu

Show current and future employers your Micro-Credentials to foster your career. Start today with our stackable Micro-Credentials and Certificates. 

View all Certificates & Micro-Credentials
  • Online Synchronous Programs (Spanish)
    • Curso de HTML5: Fundamentos Web

      • Domina el lenguaje nativo de internet e ingresa en el mundo de la web. Aprende de forma simple los códigos necesarios para diseñar cualquier página web desde cero.
    • Curso de Java para no programadores

      • Aprende a programar con una de las tecnologías más utilizadas del mercado de IT. Comienza tu camino profesional como desarrollador Java.
    • Curso de Python para no programadores

      • Descubre el mundo Python y programa de forma sencilla con algoritmos. Aprende los fundamentos para el desarrollo de aplicaciones y la escritura de códigos.
    • Curso de Blockchain Ethereum Solidity

      • Desarrolla de forma profesional Contratos Inteligentes de Blockchain Ethereum. Saca el máximo provecho a tus proyectos y llévalos a la práctica con Solidity.
    • Curso de Java Standard 11 Web Programming

      • Domina una de las tecnologías más utilizadas del mercado y construye aplicaciones. Aprende el desarrollo Orientado a Objetos con integración de Bases de Datos.
    • Curso de Data Analytics & Visualization

      • Domina las últimas herramientas para presentar los datos de forma profesional. Comprende las técnicas para recabar y presentar los distintos tipos de información.
    • Curso de Power BI

      • Domina la herramienta líder del mercado para la obtención y gestión de datos. Realiza análisis de información y aprende a presentar visualizaciones de forma profesional.
    • Curso de Power BI Avanzado

      • Aprende como dominar la inteligencia empresarial de autoservicio en este curso que explora en detalle las características avanzadas del producto. Para trabajar con este curso de deberá contar con sistema operativo Windows o tener un emulador para trabajar con el programa en otras plataformas.
    • Curso de Email Marketing

      • Implementa una estrategia de email marketing para fidelizar clientes. Aprende a gestionar bases de datos rentables que maximicen el retorno de la inversión.
    • Curso de Javascript desde cero

      • Domina los fundamentos de programación conociendo los alcances de este lenguaje. Aprende a generar desarrollos en entornos tanto Web como Mobile.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please email infonc@manhattan.edu