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NYC Is Your Classroom

Explore new possibilities with learning opportunities that support personal growth, career preparation, and professional development.

These practical programs are for those interested in expanding their professional network, being exposed to professionals in the industry, and learning continuing education opportunities for professional growth.

  • Finance & Investment Analysis

    This one-week unique intensive program provides an overview of global finance, banking, and investment. It offers the perspective and analytical methodology of a senior-level banker, analyst, or portfolio manager. This experience emphasizes teamwork, communication, and independent thought. By the end of this course, you will have a much clearer and deeper understanding of how banking and financial investment are done in NYC.
  • Architecture

    This one week program incorporates round-table discussions with architects and allows participants to visit architecture firms in NYC.
  • Fashion Design

    This one-week intensive program integrates discussions with fashion experts, companies, and fashion/product designers in New York City. Visits to fashion studios, labs, and fashion exhibitions provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn and network.
  • Government, International Relations and Law

    This program integrates classroom discussions with government officials and experts practicing law in New York City. Visits to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Criminal Court, and other locations provide once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to learn. 
  • NYC Broadway Performing Arts & Production

    This performing arts program integrates master classes and discussions with professional Broadway artists/staff members to learn about musical theater and production. With visits to renowned performance locations, the program offers once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to enjoy classic Broadway shows and experience different creative forms.