Project Description |
Project Poster |
A study of the loads experienced by an ankle during landing after a jump, to determine how injuries can be reduced in sports. |
Design of an Ankle Brace to Prevent Injuries in Football Players |
A computer and physical model used to determine the effectiveness of using surfactants to dispense drugs to infants via the lungs. |
Infant Lung Desposition Model |
Development of a device to aid in the clearing of mucus from the lungs of infants with cystic fibrosis. |
A New Treatment for Infantile Cystic Fibrosis |
Analysis of ankle injuries to improve rehabilitation methods after an injury has occurred. |
Ankle Injury Rehabilitation Using OpenSim and Optitrack |
Design of an attachment for Citi-Bikes to help those who have impaired balance abilities. |
Handi-Cap Attachment to CitiBikes |
Analysis of drug deposition within the lung of an infant to assist in the delivery of drugs. |
Infant Lung Desposition Model |
Design and testing of a prophylactic knee brace developed to prevent ACL injuries in women. |
Prophylactic Knee Brace |