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M.S. Option in Biopharmaceutical Engineering

The Biopharmaceutical Engineering program at Manhattan University, will prepare students for a variety of roles in the within the biopharmaceutical industry, including formulation and development of drugs and therapeutics, as well and processing and manufacturing of biopharma products.

Why Choose Biopharmaceutical Engineering?

This specialized concentration in biopharmaceutical engineering brings together a unique set of courses designed specifically to prepare chemical engineering graduate students for a successful entry into this highly competitive and rapidly growing industrial sector.  

Our graduates have gone on to work for top biopharmaceutical companies, including:Chemistry student wearing googles and gloves working in a lab.

  • Merck
  • Regeneron
  • GSK
  • Bristol Myers Squibb

New York City Location

Our New York City location provides opportunities for internships at major biopharmaceutical companies located in the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut tri-state area. 

What Will You Learn?

This program prepares students for various career pathways within the biopharmaceutical industry, including formulation and development of drugs and therapeutics, as well and processing and manufacturing of biopharma products Students will take courses in areas such as bioprocess design, bioseparations, microbial and cell growth kinetics, manufacturing and  processing.  Additionally, an understanding of the environmental, regulatory, safety and compliance aspects play a critical role in building up the skills set for a successful entry to this rapidly growing industrial sector. 


The M.S. program in chemical engineering is ten classes (30 credits).  For the Biopharmaceutical Engineering concentration, graduate students will need to take four courses from the following:
  • Introduction to the Biopharmaceutical Industry
  • Manufacturing of Biopharmaceutical Products
  • Emulsion & Polymer Technologies 
  • Biopharmaceutical Formulations 
  • Biomolecular Engineering
  • Industrial Regulations and Quality

Laboratory/Research Component

In addition, students may work on a research project within the field of biopharmaceutical engineering. Qualified students can obtain for credit and/or paid research assistantships leading to participation in regional and national competitions and conferences - valuable learning experiences for a career in research and development or pursuit of doctoral degree.


The affiliated faculty are world-leading experts in the application of chemical engineering, colloid and interface science, environmental engineering and bioengineering for developing and manufacturing the next generation of biopharmaceutical products.

Meet the Faculty

The chemical engineering program at Manhattan University has the best professors anyone could ask for. They care for their students on a level that you cannot even comprehend unless you experience it firsthand. But it’s not necessarily everything you learn from their curriculum. Instead, it is how these professors ’wire’ you to think. There will always be new problems that arise and data that doesn't make sense, however it's all about your ability to problem-solve and come up with solutions. No other department will prepare you better for finding answers to what seem to be the unanswerable questions.

Kim Valentine ’10, Chemical Engineer at Revlon