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About Us

As an economics or finance major, you'll have the chance to work on research with professors in preparation for graduate school, or land a hands-on internship in one of the world's greatest financial centers: New York City. The reputation of this department continues to grow as teams of students succeed in nationwide contests, such as the College Fed Challenge, a rigorous academic competition judged by economists at the Federal Reserve.

Meet an Economics & Finance Major: Riko Mochizuki

An international student from Tokyo, economics and finance major Riko Mochizuki enjoyed the challenging course work and took advantage of  learning experiences like the Investment Club and the College Fed Challenge to refine her skill set.

Our Programs

The Economics & Finance Department prepares students to work in the hands-on fields of business, government, nonprofits or economic research. The department offers three majors and two minors:

  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Minors in economics or finance are available to students enrolled in the O'Malley School of Business.


fed challenge
The College Fed Challenge offers an unforgettable experience in economic analysis, monetary policy decision-making, public speaking and teamwork.

Fed Challenge Student Team

Learn More About the Fed Challenge
  • Meet our Faculty

    Our faculty are leaders in their fields. Find the complete list of faculty currently teaching in the Economics and Finance department.
  • Faculty Emeriti in this Department

    The below is a complete list of living faculty members who retired from Economics and Finance department and hold emeritus status

    • Dr. Faraj Abdulahad, Associate Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Charles Geisst, Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. James Suarez, Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Emily Mjung-Chio Chao Sun, Professor Emeritus