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English (Creative Writing)

English majors with a creative writing concentration develop the skills to launch invigorating careers in the arts.

Why Choose This Program?

The English major with a creative writing concentration allows students to earn a 33-credit English Bachelor of Arts degree with a creative writing focus. It is perfect for students who want to formally study and develop the craft of writing in poetry, fiction, or non-fiction.

What Will You Learn?

The program builds on the English department’s literary offerings. It also provides a structure for creative work in a supportive community. As an English major with a creative writing concentration, students experience the powerful ways literary reading and writing inter-animate each other and set students up for success as writers, editors, agents, and vital members of publishing and writing communities.

Students that select an English major with a creative writing concentration must complete the following coursework to earn their degree:

  • Required Courses
    • ENGL 240: Introduction to Creative Writing (3 credits) 
    • ENGL 306: Introduction to Literary Studies (3 credits) 

    3 Courses (9 credits) out of 4 in major level Creative Writing coursework:

    • ENGL 340: Studies in Creative Writing Poetry Workshop (3 credits) 
    • ENGL 350: Studies in Creative Writing Fiction Workshop (3 credits) 
    • ENGL 355: Studies in Creative Writing Non-Fiction Workshop (3 credits)
    • ENGL 360: The Little Magazine: Contemporary Literary Publishing (3 credits) 

    3 Courses (9 credits) in Literature at the major level

    • 1 course in Pre-18th Century Literature (3 credits) 
    • 2 Additional Literature Courses (Student choice) (6 credits) 
    • 1 Writing/Editorial Internship: ENGL 475 (3 credits) 
    • 1 ENGL 300-level Elective–Writing or Literature (Student choice) (3 credits) 
    • ENGL 395: Senior Seminar (3 credits)

What Will You Do?