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English (minor only)

English minors become critical thinkers who learn to express their ideas clearly and effectively.

Why Choose English?

As an English minor, you will understand how art, music, literature, film and other creative mediums continually shape our worldview. An English degree is designed to give you historical grounding in the study of literature while also attending to contemporary developments in theory, author and genre studies, global perspectives, writing studies, and the digital humanities.

Employers often hire graduates with degrees in English because they are versatile, skilled communicators who can readily apply their training in a variety of careers. While all undergraduate students may choose to minor in English, we have a special English minor track for students in the O'Malley School of Business. Learn more about the English minor for business students

Note: students from the O'Malley School of Business, and the Schools of Engineering, and Liberal Arts may count one 200-level Literature course toward credit for the minor.

The Classes

You may experience English through classes that will help you learn about world literary traditions. They will also allow you to explore:

  • Creative writing
  • Environmental literature and ecocriticism
  • Critical race and ethnicity studies
  • Digital arts and humanities
  • Theory, media, and praxis
  • Author and genre studies

What Will You Learn?

As an English minor, you will develop skills that will make you successful in any career you choose. You will learn to: 

  • Communicate clearly in an appropriate tone
  • Develop logical, eloquent arguments
  • Observe and analyze complex information
  • Set schedules and work under deadlines
  • Think creatively and make more meaningful connections across academic disciplines and to the world around you

See degree requirements

  • English Minor Track for Business Students

    The breadth of historical and cultural knowledge, critical reading, writing, and thinking skills, and facility with language offered in an English degree makes graduates pursuing careers in the financial and corporate industries more marketable to employers.

    A minimum grade of C is required for courses to satisfy these requirements. The English minor for business entails only two additional courses over existing degree requirements:

    Required Courses: (3) ENGL 110 or ENGL 210, ENGL 211, ENGL 293

    Electives: (2) 200 or 300-level English courses

    *This represents the need for only two English courses beyond those currently required for students in the O'Malley School of Business. A minimum grade of C is required for courses to satisfy these requirements.

    Note: if a student places out of ENGL 110, they will need to take an additional English elective at the 200 or 300-level.

    ENGL 293: Literature and Business
    This course is tailored to business students and focuses on the representation of business issues in literature (the Industrial Revolution, the rise of capitalism, the Great Depression, and the 2008 financial crisis) with a special focus on ethics. The assignments for this course will be designed to target critical thinking and writing skills valuable in a professional context: a presentation with a digital component, a group project requiring collaborative research and analysis, and a research paper requiring a proposal.

What Will You Do?

Employers often seek out graduates with degrees in English because they are versatile, skilled communicators and can readily apply their training in a variety of careers. Our majors and minors have gone off to rewarding professional lives in a variety of professions.

  • Jobs for English Minors

    Some of the hightlights include:

    • Writing and Publishing

      • Writers at Yahoo News, Refinery 29, Babble, Bloomberg News, Newsweek, Fox Business, Vice News, Playboy, Marie Claire
      • At major publishing houses: Director of Publicity, VP of Marketing, Associate Sales Manager, Communications Director
      • Copy writers at digital marketing, publicity, and media consulting firms
    • Entertainment

      • Television director and producer
      • Television Art Coordinator
      • Executive Producer of a design and animation studio
      • Cast member of a Broadway musical
      • Project Coordinator of a creative agency
      • Research Analyst for a news website
    • Education

      • In Higher Ed: English Professor, Creative Writing Professor, Composition Professor, Programs Assistant, Admissions Counselor, Learning Specialist, Instructional Designer, Student Development Specialist
      • In High Schools: Assistant Principle, Dean, Teacher, Social Worker
      • Elementary School Teacher
      • Librarian
      • Development Manager at major library
    • Law and Order

      • Attorney
      • Public Defender
      • Assistant District Attorney
      • EMS at FDNY
      • NYPD Police Officer
    • Non-Profit and Healthcare

      • At Non-Profit Organizations: Volunteer Coordinator, Campaign Director, Recruitment Director
      • Director of Programs and Partnerships for a foundation
      • Assistant Director of Care at a mental health center
      • Director of Corporate Marketing for a health services delivery firm
      • Senior Speaker Bureau Coordinator at a health services firm
      • Development Coordinator at a medical research center
    • Creative Careers in Business

      • Creative Director at a brewing company
      • Strategy Manager at a publicity firm
      • Director of Operations at a construction company
      • Project Manager at a consulting firm
      • Digital Creative Services Manager for a major outdoor clothing and gear brand
      • Assistant Account Executive for a major clothing brand