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Mental Health Counseling - Advanced Certificate

Mental health counselors are trained to treat individuals with mental and emotional disorders and other behavioral challenges. They address mental health, human relationships, education and career concerns within ethical, developmental, preventive and treatment contexts.

Why Choose Mental Health Counseling?

The advanced certificate in mental health counseling is designed for students seeking counselor licensure in New York State who have already earned a master’s degree in a related field. It prepares students to provide direct clinical and counseling services to patients in a variety of settings, from outpatient centers and residential facilities to state and local government agencies.

The Classroom

The small class size provides students and professors the opportunity to collaborate and get to know one another. We accept students from diverse educational backgrounds and professional experiences. Each student brings their knowledge and perspective, which enriches everyone in the classroom. Most students form lifelong connections.

The Faculty

The faculty in this department are more than professors, they’re practitioners, from mental health and school counselors to psychologists. Their diverse training and years of job knowledge will enhance your classroom experience and accelerate your learning.

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What Will You Learn?

You will learn to use assessment instruments, provide mental health counseling and psychotherapy, clinical assessment and evaluation, treatment planning and case management, prevention, discharge, and aftercare services. The program is designed to teach students to employ effective methods of counseling and psychotherapy to treat individuals with disorders including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Substance abuse
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Eating disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Dementia
  • Adjustment disorders

In addition, you will learn how to assist patients to develop skills and strategies to address issues such as:

  • Parenting and career skills
  • Problems in adolescent and family communication and functioning
  • Couples, marital and relationship problems
  • Preventing the occurrence or reoccurrence of alcohol and substance abuse

See the Degree Requirements

Admissions Requirements

Review the requirements and application process for this graduate program.

What Will You Do?

The mental health counseling program prepares students for counseling in a wide range of medical, research, mental health and independent practice settings.