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School Counseling - Advanced Certificate

The future is in the next generation of students, and school counselors help students develop the academic and social skills they need to thrive. A vital part of the educational leadership team, school counselors provide valuable assistance to students whether they're setting the tone in elementary schools or enhancing the learning process in secondary school or beyond.

Why Choose School Counseling?

The advanced certificate in school counseling program is designed for students who have earned a master’s degree in counseling making them eligible for provisional certification in New York State.

Our program is grounded in research and shaped by the needs of schools and other organizations that require professional counseling services. Upon completion of 21 credits, students may apply for New York State permanent certification if they have worked as a school counselor for two years.

The Classroom

The small class size provides students provides students and professors the opportunity to collaborate and get to know one another. We accept students from diverse educational backgrounds and professional experiences. From economics and finance, to humanities teachers and engineers, each student brings their experiences to the classroom and everyone is enriched by this. Most students form lifelong connections.

The Faculty

The faculty in this department are more than professors, they’re practitioners, from mental health and school counselors to psychologists. Their diverse training and years of job knowledge will enhance your classroom experience and accelerate your learning.

The Location

Located in the neighborhood of Riverdale, our campus is uniquely positioned within New York City’s Bronx borough near Manhattan and lower Westchester where the public school systems serve many different students. As a graduate student in the School Counseling program, you can get involved in the Center for Optimal University Readiness (COCR), which places our graduate counselors-in-training at several locations, some within walking distance of the University. You will have an opportunity to work with kids, teachers and counselors, while collaborating with a team and making a difference in the local community.

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What Will You Learn?

You will learn how to foster the development of individuals through all stages of life. By merging theory with practice, you will emerge with the necessary knowledge, skills and disposition to:

  • Assess, facilitate, and guide individual development
  • Help students understand and overcome social or behavioral problems through classroom guidance lessons and counseling
  • Work with individuals from diverse backgrounds
  • Counsel individuals and small groups on the basis of student and school needs
  • Work with students to develop skills, such as organizational and time management abilities and effective study habits
  • Help students create a plan to achieve academic and career goals
  • Engage students in career and University readiness
  • Be an empathic, caring human service provider

If you wish to specialize in post-secondary advising you may choose the University advising concentration, an optional 12-credit program that provides additional expertise in guiding student success in University.

See the Degree Requirements

Admissions Requirements

Review the requirements and application process for this graduate program.

What Will You Do?

The school counseling program prepares students for counseling in schools, community organizations, colleges and other agencies that require the services of a professional counselor.