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Childhood/Special Education (Grades 1-6) - B.S./M.S. Ed.

Elementary school is a critical time to instill a love of learning and foster positive social experiences. Great teachers ignite an interest in children of all abilities and prepare them for academic success and a lifetime of learning.

Why Choose Childhood/Special Education?

The five-year B.S./M.S.Ed in childhood /students with disabilities is a seamless degree program designed to prepare students for teaching certification. Students take graduate courses during their senior year and complete the on-site practicum and internship during their fifth year. Graduates of our program are recommended for New York State certification, and are equipped to teach all subjects in general elementary classrooms as well as in special education or inclusive classrooms.

Visit Campus Request Information

I'm currently a fourth grade special education teacher at PS 294, and prior to that, taught students with severe and multiple disabilities at the John A. Coleman School, which is located within a residential pediatric center for children with chronic medical conditions. My experience at Manhattan College prepared me through real life experience, specialized instruction, and continuous support from each and every one of my professors. I continue to remain connected to the Manhattan College, as it continues to be my home away from home.

Allison Maloney '12, Special education teacher at PS 294, The Walton School

The Experience

The best way to learn is by doing. As a student in the B.S./M.S.Ed. childhood/students with disabilities program, you will gain classroom experience as soon as your first year at Manhattan. Field experiences are designed to help you develop as a teacher and put your skills to the test in the real world. It begins with classroom observations during second semester of your freshman year, and culminates with student teaching in their fourth year and an internship in their fifth. You will be placed in one of our many local partner schools in the Bronx and Westchester.

The Location

Located in the neighborhood of Riverdale, our campus is in the Bronx, a New York City borough whose public school system serves nearly 45,000 students. As an undergraduate in the B.S./M.S. program, you will complete a minimum of 40 full days of on-site experience in grades 1-3 and 4-6 with students. In your fifth year, you will complete an internship of a minimum of 40 full days in a special education or inclusive setting in some of the most socially and economically diverse school districts in the nation.

Co-curricular Opportunities

There are so many ways to get involved on campus, locally and across the globe:

  • Council for Exceptional Children - join a group of students and professionals to promote understanding and acceptance of exceptional individuals.
  • Best Buddies - join a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of the mentally retarded by providing opportunities for socialization.
  • Kappa Delta Pi – become an invited member of the international honor society for education and participate in outreach projects locally and internationally in locations such as Namibia, Italy, Turkey, Israel and Palestine.
  • The Center for Optimal College Readiness (COCR) - work with kids, teachers and counselors, while collaborating with a team and making a difference in the local community.
  • Lasallian Outreach Volunteer Experience (L.O.V.E) trips - volunteer to work with disabled, orphaned children in Jamaica or at a summer camp for children with kidney diseases in Texas.
  • Saturday Program of Recreation and Teaching (SPORT) Program – volunteer in a recreation program for local individuals with disabilities.
  • The Manhattan College Games – participate in an annual day of non-competitive sports and physical activities for persons with special needs.

What Will You Learn?

You will practice the art and science of teaching. You will learn how to plan an appropriate and effective instruction for grades 1-6, including how to accommodate students and differentiate lessons for the special education and at-risk students. You will learn how to:

  • use formal and informal assessment tools
  • plan and implement instruction based upon the needs of students with special needs
  • implement a variety of strategies and methodologies that provide active engagement in learning
  • create an environment that encourages social interaction and appropriate behavior
  • understand the legal and ethical responsibilities of educators and parents in the community
  • be sensitive to the cultural diversity of students in the classroom
  • seamlessly integrate technology into instruction
  • apply child and adolescent theory
  • understand the foundations of education

See the Degree Requirements

What Will You Do?

Once you complete the five-year dual childhood/students with disabilities grades 1-6 program and pass the New York State Teacher Certification Exams, you will be recommended for New York State certification to teach general education grades 1-6 as well as students with disabilities grades 1-6.