Air Force ROTC Program at Manhattan College Declared a Viable Program by the U.S. Department of the Air Force

The program reached all five of its goals to achieve viability.

The Manhattan College Air Force ROTC (AFROTC) program, Detachment 560, was recently declared a “viable program” by the U.S. Department of the Air Force. AFROTC

“As long as an Air Force ROTC detachment can achieve at least one of five goals, that unit is considered viable,” says Lt. Col Bernard King, professor of air and space studies and commander of Detachment 560. “Manhattan College’s Air Force ROTC program, Detachment 560, exceeded all five goals, scoring in the top quartile in four of the five goals.”

Among the five goals used to evaluate the program are the number of officers graduating with technical degrees and the number of officers becoming aviators. 

According to the data, about one third of Manhattan College’s graduating cadets major in STEM, and about 50% are aviators. 

“On average, Manhattan College cadets score above average in academic aptitude across the nation,” King said. 

Those in the AFROTC program can choose from more than 135 career fields in the Air Force and Space Force. During their college years, they can explore more than 40 summer internships and worldwide programs. They also have scholarship opportunities and receive a $350 to $500 monthly stipend.

The Manhattan College AFROTC was established in 1951. Its mission is to develop leaders of character for the future. Any incoming student or current freshman can join the leadership development program without any obligation. Those interested in learning more should go to or follow them on Instagram at nyc_afrotc. 

By Patrice Athanasidy