An hour-long documentary, Every Day is a Holiday, follows the relationship between filmmaker Theresa Loong and her father, Dr. Paul Loong ’58 (pictured, right). It will be screened on Friday, September 25 on Vimeo On Demand as part of the Black Maria Film Festival, in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II.
Theresa Loong created Every Day Is a Holiday to chronicle her father’s experience as a prisoner of war for three years during World War II, and his subsequent struggle to gain U.S. citizenship. After moving to the U.S., Paul Loong became a merchant seaman and traveled the world. He also signed up for the draft and served in Korea during the Korean War.
With the help of Congress, Loong officially became a U.S. citizen in 1956, and completed his bachelor’s degree at Manhattan College in 1958 with the assistance of the GI Bill. Loong went on to medical school in Italy, eventually practicing as a doctor at a Veterans Affairs Hospital in East Orange, NJ.
The documentary first aired on public television in May 2012, and captures Loong’s story through his personal diary, archival war footage, and conversations between father and daughter. It was screened at Manhattan College on Veterans Day in 2013.
The screening, which will take place on Friday, September 25, beginning at 8 p.m. Eastern Time, will also feature two other short films curated by Filmshop’s Thelma Adams - Michael Woolridge's Options and Flo Young's Kool.
Theresa Loong will participate in a question-and-answer session before the screening at 7 p.m. on Filmshop’s Instagram Live. Tickets are free and are available here.