Manhattan College’s Department of Intercollegiate Athletics posted a 92% Graduation Success Rate (GSR), which is 6% higher than the NCAA Division I national average for classes entering in 2005 though 2008, the athletic association reported in a recent release.
“We are very proud of all of our student-athletes’ academic achievements and their academic progression,” said Noah D. LeFevre, Manhattan College’s Director of Intercollegiate Athletics. “This truly is a terrific learning environment.”
Manhattan’s women’s basketball, men’s lacrosse, women’s soccer and softball teams all posted perfect scores of 100. The baseball, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, women’s cross country/indoor and outdoor track and field, men’s lacrosse, men’s soccer, women’s soccer and softball teams all posted GSRs above the national average, the NCAA reported.
The NCAA developed the GSR in an effort to measure the academic success of Division I student-athletes by better accounting for the various academic avenues followed by today’s college students. The measuring tool for student-athlete success looks at graduation in the six years following initial college enrollment.