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Support Fair Trade

One of the best ways to support the fair trade movement is to buy fair trade products whenever possible.

Below are some resources for finding fair trade products and learning more about the movement. Always look for a Fair Trade Certified symbol!

Fair Trade certified logo


  • Alta Gracia Apparel
    Based in the the Dominican Republic, Alta Gracia provides branded apparel for more than 600 college campuses. 

Jewelry, Gifts, Home Decor, and Etc.

  • Ten Thousand Villages
    Artisans from 38 countries throughout the world produce hand-crafted products including a wide variety of jewelry, decor, toys, stationery, garden accessories and more. 
  • Serrv
    More than 70 community-based organizations in 36 countries throughout the world produce items including kitchenware, foodstuffs, ornaments, accessories and more. 
  • Mayan Hands  
    A small fair trade organization that works with more than 150 Mayan women weavers living throughout Guatemala. Products include baskets, totes, handbags, scarves and more. 


  • Senda Athletics
    Senda Athletics produces fair trade soccer balls and training gear. 


  • Equal Exchange 
    Fair trade products from small farmers including coffee, tea, chocolate, bananas, olive oil and almonds.
  • Divine Chocolate 
    Chocolate farmers from the Kuapa Kokoo cooperative in Ghana produce fair trade cocoa, and also own 45% of the Divine Chocolate company. 
  • Whole Foods Market
    The national supermarket chain carries many fair trade products ranging from spices to fruits and veggies to flowers. 
  • Ben & Jerry's  
    Many of Ben & Jerry's delicious ice creams feature fair trade ingredients. 

Information about Fair Trade