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Phi Epsilon Kappa

National professional fraternity for physical education and related career fields

Phi Epsilon Kappa Seal

Phi Epsilon Kappa is the national professional fraternity for those engaged in or pursuing careers in physical education, health, recreation, dance, human performance, exercise science, sports medicine and sports management. Active members strive to foster scientific research in physical education and related fields and to promote community welfare.

As part of its community service, the Alpha Eta chapter sponsors the annual Manhattan University Games. These games provide athletic competition to children with disabilities not eligible for the Special Olympics.

The Alpha Eta chapter of Manhattan University received its charter in 1943.


To qualify for membership, undergraduates must have:

  • a minimum 3.2 overall GPA with at least two semesters of coursework completed within kinesiology
  • a strong record of community service


Christie González-Toro, Ph.D