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Spring 2020 Medals and Prizes

The Medal for Art History
Won by Madison Richards

The Medal for Communication
Won by Madison Richards
Next in Merit: Rose Brennan

The Harry J. Blair Memorial Medal for Renaissance Literature
Founded in honor of Harry J. Blair, class of 1950; faculty member 1957-1976
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Chloe Burns, Maura Phelan

The Brian S. Broderick Medal for Creative Written Expression in English Literature
Founded in memory of Brian S. Broderick, Class of '82, by his parents, Michael and Mary Broderick
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Madeline Hurwitz, Alyssa Zduniak

The Paul Cortissoz Award for English Literature
Founded by family and friends in memory of Dr. Paul Cortissoz'47; faculty member 1949-1989
Won by Gabrielle Kasper

The Joseph L. McGoldrick Medal for English and World Literature
Founded in honor of Dr. Joseph L. McGoldrick,'12 by his daughter, Miss Ann M. McGoldrick
Won by Teresa Ramoni
Next in Merit: Madeline Hurwitz

The Brother Andrew O’Connor Medal for French
Founded in 1998 by the members of the Sigma Beta Kappa Fraternity in memory of their Founding Moderator. This medal is awarded for excellence in the study of French and French literature.
Won by Maryanne MacIsaac

The Cristina R. Toosie Medal for Spanish Studies
Founded by Mrs. Thomas A. Toosie
Won by Shannon Colford
Next in Merit: Kyle Plitnick

The Ryan Medal for Government
Founded by Rev. Francis X. Ryan, C.S.P.,'36, Mrs. Joseph F. Ryan, Jr., and 
Mrs. E. Gerard Ryan in memory of Joseph F. Ryan, Jr.,'26 and Gerard Ryan'34
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Kaylyn Atkins, Amanda Nuñez

The McGoldrick Medal for History
Founded by Joseph L. McGoldrick, ’12, A.M., M.D., in memory of his parents, Lawrence and Mary McGoldrick
Won by Meredith Taylor

The Harold E. Hazelton Humanities Medal
Founded in honor of Harold E. Hazelton'51; faculty member 1957-1985
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Kaylyn Atkins, Carly Brownell
Next in Merit: Megan Dreher

The Dorothy Nealy Sullivan Medal for International Studies
Founded in 2006 by former dean of the school of arts, Dr. Mary Ann O’Donnell, and her family, in loving memory of her mother Dorothy Nealy Sullivan by alumni, friends and family
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Carly Brownell, Bartosz Gierczak
Next in Merit: Amanda Nuñez

The Pope John XXIII Peace Studies Medal
Founded by Mrs. Robert Beardsley in memory of her parents Michael & Luisa Pecora.  
Won by Carly Brownell
Next in Merit: Shannon Raczynski

The Brother Benignus Medal for Philosophy
Founded by Phi Rho Pi Fraternity in memory of Brother Benignus, F.S.C., 
teacher and author
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Bartosz Gierczak, Alyssa Zduniak
Next in Merit: Megan Dreher

The Broderick Medal for Psychology
Founded by Most Rev. Edwin B. Broderick, D.D., Ph.D., and John M. Broderick'35 in honor of their father, Patrick J. Broderick
Won by Eva Bartsch
Next in Merit: Melissa Samanoglu, Naomi Uy

The Edward J. Morris, M.D. Medal for Religious Studies
Founded by the Estate of Loretto R. Morris
Won by Teresa Ramoni
Next in Merit: Nora Nugent

The John T. Miller, Jr. Medal for Sociology
Founded by Mrs. John T. Miller, Jr., in memory of her husband, class of 1972
Won by Evaniz Orellana

The Mendelian Medal for Biology
Founded in memory of Dr. James G. Robilotti'22
Won by Victoria Webb
Next in Merit: Rebecca Lowe

The Florence and Clarence Batt Medal for Biochemistry
Founded by the Batt family in honor of their parents
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Juan Lara-Garcia, Christopher Lore

The Medal for Chemistry
Established by the Student Affiliate of the American Chemical Society
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Alon Brown, Brianna Remache

The Brother John McNamara Medal for Computer Science
Founded in 1985 by the faculty and former students of the department of Mathematics and Computer Science in honor of Brother John McNamara in recognition of his efforts to bring computer science into the undergraduate curriculum
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Michael Rozycki, Xiaoyang Wu
Next in Merit: Samantha Morrison

The Brother Birillus Thomas Medal for Mathematics
Founded in his memory by his brother, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis J. McKeon, M.A.,'30
Won by Alexandro Vasquez
Next in Merit: Kristen Friedman, Samantha Morrison

The Brother Gabriel Kane Medal for Physics
Donated by Physics Alumni
Won by Sarah Reese

The Sigma Xi Medal for Research in Science
Donated by Manhattan University Sigma Xi Chapter
Won by Juan Lara-Garcia

The Brother Amandus Leo Call Engineering Medal
Founded by Robert N. Pucci, Class of 1940, and Margaret R. Pucci, M.D.
Won by Miah Cohall
Next in Merit: Kelly Kret

The Prutton Medal for Chemical Engineering
Founded in honor of Dr. Carl F. Prutton by his friends
Won by Mackenzie Kolman
Next in Merit: Dilin Reci, Jason Risolo

Omega Chi Epsilon Award
For service to Manhattan University and the Chemical Engineering Department
Won by Syeda Rithu

The Brother B. Austin Barry Medal for Civil Engineering
Donated in honor of Br. B. Austin Barry, F.S.C.
Won by Arina Komissarova
Next in Merit: Joseph Holzman, Rachel White

The Brother Azarias Michael Medal for Civil Engineering
Donated by the Civil Engineering Department in memory of Br. Azarias 
Michael, F.S.C.
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Adriana Gambino, Paul Owens

The John F. Hoban Medal for Civil Engineering
Founded by friends in memory of John F. Hoban'51
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Michevi Dufflart, Michael LaValle

The Florence P. Wojtaszek Medal for Computer Engineering
Given in memory of one who worked with the IBM Group, which wrote the first
Fortran Program
Won by Michael Campiglia

The Medal for Electrical Engineering
Founded by Thomas R. Finn'33 in honor of his mother, Mrs. Mary Finn
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Andrew Benz, John Ventresca
Next in Merit: Daniel Rosini

Lawrence Eckenfelder Award for Environmental Engineering
Donated by the friends and family of W. Wesley Eckenfelder in memory of his son
Won by Emily Nealon
Next in Merit: Miah Cohall, Ellen Farrelly

The John V. and Mildred G. Mahony Medal  
Founded by their sons, Brian, Kevin, and John, in memory of their parents
Won by Miah Cohall
Next in Merit: Brendan McDonough

The Brother Aubert Medal for Mechanical Engineering
Founded by Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity in memory of Br. Aubert of Jesus, F.S.C.
Won by Pamela Miceus
Next in Merit: Carl Ranieri

The Brother A. James Norton Medal for Education
Founded by the late Frank and Catherine Norton in honor of their son, 
Br. Adelbert James Norton, F.S.C.,'40, professor and dean for many years in the School of Teacher Preparation
Won by Faith LaRock

The John S. Sich Medal for Kinesiology
Founded by former students of the late Professor John S. Sich in honor of his 35 years of service to Manhattan University
Won by Kali Nembach
Next in Merit: Caitlin DeMuro

The Paul R. Simon Medal for Radiological and Health Sciences
Founded by Louis C. Simon in memory of his son, Paul R. Simon, a member of the first class of the Radiological Institute of Manhattan University
Won by Marissa Segui

The Edward Dougherty Medal for Business  
Donated by Beta Sigma Fraternity in memory of Edward Dougherty'28
Won by Heyi Cheng
Next in Merit: Christopher Freund

The Prize for Accountancy
The New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants Superior Scholarship in Accounting Award
Won by Lauren Saggese
Next in Merit: Nicholas Sedacca

The Professor William P. Cain Medal for Computer Information Systems
Endowed by James Suarez in honor of Br. Anthony Flynn, F.S.C.
Won by Zerena Lupo
Next in Merit: Marvin Sosa

The Richard J. Carey Medal for Economics
Founded by Richard J. Carey'42
Won by Oi Tung Veronica Cheng
Next in Merit: Sierra Arral

The Captain Frederick J. Finn Medal for Finance
Founded by Thomas R. Finn'33 in memory of his brother, Capt. Frederick J. Finn
Won by Niamh Rattigan
Next in Merit: Luke Hanson

The Dean James L. Fitzgerald Medal for Management
Founded by the faculty of Manhattan University in memory of Dr. James L. Fitzgerald
Won by John Carlovich
Next in Merit: Audrey Sabatino

The Medal for Marketing
Donated by the Sales Executives of New York
Won by Treysaun Mcgeachy
Next in Merit: Tia Painilainen

The Medal for Excellence in the Liberal Arts
Founded by Joseph R. Holahan in memory of his brother, Maj. William V. Holohan'25
Won by Teresa Ramoni
Next in Merit: Carly Brownell, Evaniz Orellana

The Francis B. Taylor Medal for Excellence in Science and Mathematics
Founded in honor of Francis B. Taylor'44; faculty member 1947-95
Awarded Ex-Aequo: William Kulp II, Victoria Webb

The Draddy Medal for General Excellence in Engineering
Founded in memory of Daniel Anthony Draddy'13 and Robert Emmet Draddy
Awarded Ex-Aequo: Charles Abagi, Michael Calicchia
Next in Merit: Paul Owens

The Thomas H. Lindgren Medal for Excellence in Education
Founded in memory of Thomas H. Lindgren ’55
Won by Kali Nembach
Next in Merit: Isabel Quinones

The Brother Cornelius Justin Brennan Medal for Business
Founded by Thomas J. Wright, Professor Emeritus of Managerial Sciences
Won by Caileigh Lampersberger

The David C. Broderick Medal for Campus Ministry
Founded by David C. Broderick'07 in memory of his son, David C. Jr.,'39
Won by Rabea Ali

The Signum Fidei Medal for Service and Social Action 
Founded by John M. Reilly of the class of 1975 and Lois Harr
Won by August Kissel

The Donald J. Carty Valedictory Medal
Donated by faculty friends in memory of Dr. Donald J. Carty
Won by Miguel Díaz-López
Next in Merit: Megan Dreher

Nominees for the Donald J. Carty Valedictory Medal
Charles Abagi
Sierra Arral
Rose Brennan
Heyi Cheng
Meredith Domaleski
Ellen Farrelly
José Feliciano
Gianna Gaudio  
Michael Hackett
Katherine Kalaj
Gabrielle Kasper
August Kissel
William Kulp II
Caileigh Lampersberger
Zerena Lupo
Pamela Miceus
Shannon Monahan
Evaniz Orellana
Teresa Ramoni
Emily Sandford
Alyssa Zduniak

Finalists for the Joseph J. Gunn Alumni Medal
Kaylyn Atkins    
Rose Brennan    
Carly Brownell  
Kerry Cavanagh 
Heyi  Cheng       
Ellen Farrelly     
Adriana Gambino       
Luke Hanson     
August Kissel              
Pamela Miceus           
Evaniz Orellana