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Undergraduate Degree Recipients

School of Science


By the authority granted to Manhattan University by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, and with the approval of the board of trustees of Manhattan University, and upon the recommendation of the dean and faculty of the School of Science, I confer upon you the degrees of Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, as presented, with all the rights and privileges pertaining to that degree.

Class of 2020

Bachelor of Arts

Kyle Joshua M. Barretto

Alon T. Brown

Esau Carlos Cuellar

Jovan H. Gonzalez

Megan Elizabeth Haugh

Victor Alejandro Pico

Stephanie Roberts

Quinn Quillan Torres

Alexandro Vasquez

Dylan J. Zimmer

Bachelor of Science

Jose Angeles

Matthias Alejandro Bogarin

Lauren Kylie Coll

Moira Anne Delaney

Fatimatou Diallo

Vivian Doan

Phillip Dombrovskiy

Allison Kimberly Eichhorn

José Julián Feliciano Vázquez

Shannon Grace Forty

Kristen Elizabeth Friedman

Walker Bolton Gayden

Taylor Evelyn Hasley

Michael Christopher Haviland

Janelle Ione James

Arfan Kabir

Olivia Mary Keohane

Zemima Khasroo

Benjamin Ryan Kovacs

William James Kulp II

Juan Lara-Garcia

Jailinne Ilannie Lopez

Christopher James Lore

Rebecca Frances Lowe

Yannis Lymberis

Viola Marcia

Sireen Mastrouq

Catherine Anne McDonough

Sophia Louise Misiakiewicz

Natalie Lauren Moreno

Samantha K. Morrison

Camila Mariel Nicasio

Peter A. Parlato

Josh Anthony Mark Persaud

Olivia O’Shaughnessy Printy

Sarah Reese

Brianna Elisabel Remache

Maylen Belen Rodriguez

Kathryn Cindy Ronan

Michael A. Rozycki

Jake Takoda Salles

Erin Diana Sanders

Seth Serrano

Isabel Maria Shirron

Antonios Michalis Sideris

Steven Gregory Sikorsky

Jane Lucy Switzer

Elizabeth Jean Toohey

Jaime Gabrielle Turner

Heather Isamar Valerio

Daniel Vilajeti

Francisca Villar

Victoria L. Webb

Xiaoyang Wu