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Undergraduate Degree Recipients

The O'Malley School of Business

Class of 2020


By the authority granted to Manhattan University by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, and with the approval of the board of trustees of Manhattan University, and upon the recommendation of the dean and faculty of the O'Malley School of Business, I confer upon you the degree of Bachelor of Science, as presented, with all the rights and privileges pertaining to that degree.

Bachelor of Science - Business Administration

Ziad Tariq Abdullah

Emi Aisaka

Rabea Ali

Adam Ghazi Alshoubeki

Noah Isaac Amissah

Adrien Awana

Flora Bacaj

Sophia Balaj

Emma Elizabeth Bedeker

Allison E. Berejka

Jason Betham

Ashton A. Bianchi

Samuel Beatty Blakey

Michelle Marie Blanco

Emma Elizabeth Boss

Jesse William Boyce

Thomas Andrew Brady Jr.

James Thomas Bright

Veronika Ann Buettner

Alexander William Byrne

Alexis B. Calderon

Erin Marie Campbell

John Gregg Carlovich

Callum Carsley

Matthew James Caruso

Heyi Cheng

Oi Tung Veronica Cheng

Georgy Chernov

Joseph Steven Chionchio

Matthew Ciamei

Felipe Clavijo

Mackenzie Cooper

Timothy John Costello

Ryan Matthew Courtney

Kynam Dang

Milan Stephanie Devuyst

Jaime DiDonato

Payton Tyler Doran

Tristan Michael Doran

Paula Patricia Espitia

Richard Blaine Ferrante II

Isabella Klaudia Fil

Giacomo Fiorenza

Ashley-Marie Fontes

Terry Lee Ford

Christopher Ryan Freund

Jiuxing Fucao

Nicolas John Galioto

Havielith Garcia

Ethan Mitchell Garcia

Lauren M. Garcia

Arber Gashi

Gianna Marie Gaudio

Christine Mae Gebhardt

Anthony Michael Gesualdi

Kayla Eleni Gilrane

Hayden Ginsberg

Thomas Michael Glynn

Alejandra Gomez

Alexander Robert Greco

Gallagher John Gregory

Peter James Halliday

Stephen Carey Hamilton

Luke Joseph Hanson

Kelly Danielle Hasty

Jack Edward Joseph Hayes

Brendan T. Hilliard

Morgan Alexander Hilton

Samantha Molly Hoagland

Kyle Hollenbaugh

Emily Kate D'Alesio Imbarrato

Peter Jankovic

Dennis Jimenez

Robert Edward Johnson

Zachary Jomides

George William Kahwaty

Martina Kalaj

Emma Theresa Kenny

Hira Shujaat Khan

Bailey Anne Kimes

Nicholas Devis Kocienda

Angee Ambroise Komano

Elizabeth N. Krall

Daniella Kukaj

Thomas Richard Kupferschmid

Ryan Christopher Kwiecinski

Caileigh Anne Lampersberger

Cole Thomas Langlois

Ryan J. Lawless

Jaclyn Ellen Leighton

Michael Vincent Lombardi

Carrie A. Lomupo

Joseph Lopez

Elizabeth Nicole Lopez

Gabrielle Marie LoPresti

Zerena Angelica Lupo

Thomas P. Macdonald

Adam Steven Maldonado

Donald Arthur Maloney

Brendan James Mannix

George Joseph Marie Jr.

Dylan J. Marin

Isaac J. Martinez

Peter James Martino

Xavier Michael Mattone

Charles Joseph Mazzocchi

Daniel Alexander McAuley

Kathleen Anne McCaughey

James McCorvey

Margaret Elizabeth McCourt

Benjamin Mendez McCoy

Treysaun H. Mcgeachy

Ian Peter McIntyre

Maura Thompson Mead

Tuuli Elina Menna

Basem Fadi Ramez Metri

Michael Christopher Mikelis

Nicole Marie Miller

Ashley Jailyn Minaya

Susan Gilberte Morad

Bonergie Morales

Javier Murcia

Petey James Murphy

Sandra Shantal Najarian

Karla Nejasmic

Minh Hac Duy Nguyen

Jonathan Nieves

Hana Nikac

Lisandra Nikqi

Brendan Edward Nolan

Nora Anne Nugent

Calvin Nunez

William Pius O'Connor

Dylan John O'Neill

Daniel Patrick O'Shea

Christopher Padilla Gregorio

Nicholas Antonio Pagan

Tia Karoliina Painilainen

Ashley Lynn Pajer

Justin M. Pape

Kristen Marie Paternoster

Debra Anne Peifer

Fabian Pena

Jason M. Phillips

Harrison Pietrzak

Emily Powers

Kelsey Reardon Pruett

Jack Michael Putnam

Anna Ramon Lopez

Niamh Rattigan

Jackson Ralph Rawson

Patrick Florian Redl

Kevin Reyes

Juliette S. Rodrigues

Michele Rodriguez

Yanitza Rodriguez

Alice Rose Russell

Audrey Rose Sabatino

Theodore Jaren Sabato

Lauren Elisa Saggese

Saurabh Saini

Chaner Sanchez

Emily Shea Sandford

Cassidy Santos

Samitheus Delenia Savinon

Christopher John Scharf

Taylor Brianna Schendorf

Ian M. Scheuer

Nicholas Anthony Sedacca

Morgan Paige Sgarlata

Preston Kenneth Shortell

Amanda Marie Silvestri

William Bernabe Simmons

William James Sinnott

Gent Smajlaj

Julian Michael Smith

Marvin Alexander Sosa

Elizabeth Kelly Sossan

Thomas Spernal

Dylan Spina

Thomas F. Stuart IV

Justin John Sullivan

Daniel Saviour Sultana

Matthew Halton Tierney

Scott P. Tiger

Kaitlyn Elise Tomasiewicz

Anthony Richard Tutwiler

Thomas Enoc Urdaz

Gregory O. Ureña Arias

Genesis Valdez

Anari Ventura

Lisette Vincent

Ryan Warner

Claire Alice Watson

Samantha Margaret Waxman

Jonathon Bradley White

Nicole Marguerite Williams

Hui Xu

Lora Yovcheva

David Joseph Zea