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Jasper Giving Day 2024

jasper giving day logoAll in for the students!

Here it is: our chance to make a positive difference for today’s young Jaspers. Our 2024 Jasper Giving Day will take place on Tuesday, April 9. The entire Manhattan University community is invited to look back and pay it forward by making a gift to The Fund for Manhattan or an area at the University that especially interests them.

All gifts big and small will make a real difference for all our students. Last year we exceeded our goals, so this year we are raising the bar. We need to hear from more than 600 donors who will help us raise at least $250,000.

This year, we will observe Jasper Giving Day just two days after the feast day of our Patron, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, which falls on a Sunday. On this very meaningful occasion, please mark your calendar and be sure to take this opportunity to show your support for our students and mission!

Since our University’s founding, all students have benefited from the support of the Christian Brothers and alumni who preceded them as well as parents and friends of Manhattan. Please help to keep this tradition alive by joining with fellow Jaspers to raise critical funds for financial aid, student services and activities, academic programs and facilities, and exciting technology-driven initiatives.

Make a Gift Today

Show Us Your Green

In celebration of Jasper Giving Day, wear your green proudly! Check back for exciting challenges and updates that will lead up to and throughout the big day as April approaches.

We are all united by a common bond. We are Jaspers! Whether you graduated 60 years ago, last year or have a child at our Riverdale campus, please be sure to make a gift, spread the word to fellow alumni, parents and friends, and show us your green!

Thank you in advance for making a direct impact on the lives of today’s deserving students by giving them the tools necessary to excel both at Manhattan and in their future endeavors. Your gifts, mentoring, internships, and efforts to share the good word about Manhattan University mean the world to us. Go Jaspers!