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The Department of Air and Space Studies offers 3 and 4 year programs to students. The course content consists of two parts: (1) academic class and (2) leadership lab class (LLAB). The academic classes are completed with the student's peer group (ex. freshman, sophomore, junior, senior); all lower division courses are one credit hour and upper division courses are three credit hours. The leadership lab portion brings all four year groups together where students practice a wide array of activities to enhance leadership skills (ex. drill and ceremonies, group leadership projects, and physical fitness). LLAB is 1 credit hour. Anyone interested in the military, leadership, government, or national security issues is encouraged to register for the academic classes. Students who chose to be active cadets pursuing a commission are required to attend their respective academic class in addition to LLAB.


DAAS 101: Heritage and Values - Fall (1 credit hour)
"Heritage and Values - Fall" is a survey course designed to introduce students to the United States Air Force and provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organization of the Air Force. The following topics are covered: introduction to Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, Air Force career fields, Air Force core values, the formation of the Air Force, dress and appearance standards, customs and courtesies, public speaking, Air Force writing, the benefits of service, introduction to leadership, and the heritage of the Air Force.

DAAS 111: Heritage and Values - Spring (1 credit hour)
"Heritage and Values - Spring" is a survey course designed to introduce students to the United States Air Force and provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organization of the Air Force. The following topics are covered: defining war, the Air Force and social media, the evolution of the Air Force, the principles of war and tenets of airpower, the department of the air force, ethical decision-making, what the air force brings to the fight, and Air Force MAJCOMs.

DAAS 201: Team and Leadership Fundamentals - Fall (1 credit hour)
"Team and Leadership Fundamentals - Fall” provides a fundamental understanding of both leadership and team building. The lessons and course flow are designed to prepare cadets for field training and leadership positions in the detachment. The following topics are covered: self-awareness, listening, followership, full-range leadership, problem solving, motivation, standards and accountability, your financial future, and communication skills.

DAAS 211: Team and Leadership Fundamentals - Spring (1 credit hour)
"Team and Leadership Fundamentals - Spring" provides a fundamental understanding of both leadership and team building. The lessons and course flow are designed to prepare cadets for field training and leadership positions in the detachment. The following topics are covered: team building, human relations, conflict management, stress management and resiliency, ethical decision-making, and communication skills.

DAAS 301: Leading People and Effective Communication - Fall (3 credit hours)
"Leading People and Effective Communication - Fall" utilizes cadet’s field training experience to take a more in-depth look at leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing communication skills, and why that is important as a leader. Cadets have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors. The following topics are covered: critical thinking, leader development, change management, air force writing, effective supervision, the enlisted force, officer/ enlisted differences, bullet writing, bias, managing diversity and inclusion, cross-cultural competence, cultural VEST, your financial future, managing competing priorities, airmanship, code of conduct, ethical decision-making, joint ethics, and communication skills.

DAAS 311: Leading People and Effective Communication - Spring (3 credit hours)
"Leading People and Effective Communication - Spring" utilizes cadet’s field training experience to take a more in-depth look at leadership. Special emphasis is placed on enhancing communication skills, and why that is important as a leader. Cadets have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors. The following topics are covered: leadership theory, mentoring, inspiring action, providing feedback, peer feedback, professionalism, ethical decision- making, ownership, self-awareness, comprehensive airmen fitness, green dot, creating a vision, communication, organizational climate, public affairs and the media, establishing expectations, and theory and innovation.

DAAS 401: National Security/Commissioning Preparation - Fall (3 credit hours)
"National Security/Commissioning Preparation - Fall" is designed for college seniors and gives them the foundation to understand their role as military officers and how they are directly tied to our National Security Strategy. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level. The following topics are covered: civilian control of the military, national security strategy, the department of defense, joint operations, unified combatant commands, the total force, defense support of the civil authority, Air Force domains, terrorism, space operations, cyberspace, nuclear operations, capabilities and force packaging, the law of war, how the Air Force deploys, command and control, global hot spots, and communication skills.

DAAS 411: National Security/Commissioning Preparation - Spring (3 credit hours)
"National Security/Commissioning Preparation - Spring" is designed for college seniors and gives them the foundation to understand their role as military officers and how they are directly tied to our National Security Strategy. It is an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level. The following topics are covered: base agencies, professional/unprofessional relationships, ethical decision-making: the tutor, leadership authority and responsibility, green dot, religious accommodation, suicide prevention, military justice, military justice case studies, corrective supervision and counseling, eLearning, blended retirement system, sexual assault prevention and response, airman comprehensive assessment, enlisted evaluation system, officer evaluation system, bullet practicum: evaluation, leadership case studies, pay, allowances, leave, career progression, and the commission/oath of office.


DAAS 102: Leadership Lab 100 - Fall (1 credit hour)
This course is for first year ROTC students. The purpose of the Leadership Lab (LLAB) to augment the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps academic curriculum by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. This course includes 20+ hours of Physical Fitness training and enhanced exercise science.

DAAS 112: Leadership Lab 100 - Spring (1 credit hour)
This course is for first year ROTC students. The purpose of the Leadership Lab (LLAB) to augment the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps academic curriculum by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. This course includes 20+ hours of Physical Fitness training and enhanced exercise science.

DAAS 202: Leadership Lab 200 - Fall (1 credit hour)
This course is for second year ROTC students. The purpose of the Leadership Lab (LLAB) to augment the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps academic curriculum by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. This course includes 20+ hours of Physical Fitness training and enhanced exercise science.

DAAS 212: Leadership Lab 200 - Spring (1 credit hour)
This course is for second year ROTC students. The purpose of the Leadership Lab (LLAB) to augment the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps academic curriculum by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. This course includes 20+ hours of Physical Fitness training and enhanced exercise science.

DAAS 302: Leadership Lab 300 - Fall (1 credit hour)
This course is for third year ROTC students. The purpose of the Leadership Lab (LLAB) to augment the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps academic curriculum by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. This course includes 20+ hours of Physical Fitness training and enhanced exercise science.

DAAS 312: Leadership Lab 300 - Spring (1 credit hour)
This course is for third year ROTC students. The purpose of the Leadership Lab (LLAB) to augment the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps academic curriculum by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. This course includes 20+ hours of Physical Fitness training and enhanced exercise science.

DAAS 402: Leadership Lab 400 - Fall (1 credit hour)
This course is for fourth year ROTC students. The purpose of the Leadership Lab (LLAB) to augment the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps academic curriculum by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. This course includes 20+ hours of Physical Fitness training and enhanced exercise science.

DAAS 412: Leadership Lab 400 - Spring (1 credit hour)
This course is for fourth year ROTC students. The purpose of the Leadership Lab (LLAB) to augment the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps academic curriculum by providing prospective Air Force officers the opportunities and feedback needed to develop the leadership, managerial, and supervisory skills required of successful Air Force officers. This course includes 20+ hours of Physical Fitness training and enhanced exercise science.