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One La Salle Program

A view of a Manila street.Take advantage of Manhattan University's global network and study at one of dozens of Lasallian institutions around the world! Manhattan is a signatory to the One La Salle agreement, allowing MU students to study for a full fall or spring semester at one of almost 50 other Lasallian colleges and universities in Spain, the Philippines, Singapore, Mexico, Peru, France, Colombia, Brazil, Palestine, and more. Manhattan University students are typically able to apply their federal, state, and institutional aid towards the expense of their semester abroad at a One La Salle school.

Dates Offered

This is a semester-long program and is available during the following terms:

  • Fall semester
  • Spring semester

The specific dates will vary depending on the host institution.

Courses & Credits

Academic subject and class offerings vary by host institution. Classes are often taught in the local language (French, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.) and can be an excellent way for high intermediate to advanced speakers of these languages to bring their language skills to the next level. Some host institutions also offer coursework in English; inquire with the Office of Study Abroad to learn more and find a One La Salle institution that's a good fit for you.


Housing varies by location; it may be provided on-campus by the host institution or may be available off campus.


A stipend to go towards the cost of airfare is provided by Manhattan University to students participating in the One La Salle program.

Interested in this program and looking to learn more about academics, cost, financial aid, housing, travel, and student life? Email to set up a time to meet with an advisor and have all of your questions answered!