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Bogotá, Colombia

Aerial view of Bogota, Colombia.Spend two weeks in cosmopolitan Bogotá! Earn academic credit while taking classes at the Universidad de La Salle - Bogotá with students from around the world and spend your free time getting to know this vibrant colonial city. Lasallian scholarships, made possible by joint support of LaSalle University of Colombia and Manhattan College, will be available to academically high-achieving applicants to this program on a first-come, first-served basis.

Dates Offered

This is a summer program.

  • Tentative dates for Summer 2020: June 7-20, 2020

Courses & Credits

This program is open to all majors.

  • PHIL 201: Ethics or PHIL 214: Critical Thinking (3 credits)


Participants on this program will travel with a group of Manhattan College students and an MC faculty member. Tuition, round-trip flights out of New York City, housing for the duration of the program, some meals, and international health insurance are included in the program fee.