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2023-2024 Honor Roll of Donors

For more than 171 years, two strong pillars have braced Manhattan University in all of its endeavors: First, the Christian Brothers themselves, whose uplifting charism lies at the heart of our mission; second, the generations of faithful alumni and friends who continue to serve as the Brothers’ partners in the consequential enterprise of Lasallian Catholic higher education. It is their commitment that we recognize and celebrate in our 2023-2024 Honor Roll of Donors 

Our first section shares the extraordinarily successful completion of Invest in the Vision: The Campaign for Manhattan. This unprecedented effort, which the University concludes this fall — ahead of schedule and considerably above goal — sets the stage for Manhattan’s continued growth as a Lasallian Catholic institution that is unequivocally ready for the opportunities and challenges of a dynamic new era.

Our campaign is a genuinely transformative stepping stone to securing an even brighter future of ongoing excellence at Manhattan.

Thomas Mauriello, Senior Vice President for University Advancement

The second section of the Honor Roll of Donors is our grateful acknowledgment of your past year's giving to our annual fundraising efforts, a critical source of strength for scholarships, grants, programs and other services on which today’s Jaspers depend. 

During the 2023-24 fiscal year, unrestricted and restricted giving totaled $17,338,955.77. Unrestricted gifts — comprising initiatives such as the Fund for Manhattan and the De La Salle Medal Dinner — provided nearly a third of that amount. Restricted support came to $10,580,239 of the total. All told, there were 5,353 donors, of whom 3,704 were dedicated alumni. 

These achievements and all others are possible only through your support. Thank you again for your gifts this past year — and for your enduring generosity as Manhattan continues to follow the vision of Saint John Baptist de La Salle and the Christian Brothers who founded and guide our University in his name.

July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024

Manhattan University very gratefully acknowledges all of our generous benefactors. To the best of our knowledge, the information in this issue of our Honor Roll of Donors accurately reflects our records. We recognize that omissions or errors, while regrettable, inadvertently may occur. If you find any inaccuracies, please notify the Development office at (718) 862-7815. Thank you again for your truly inspiring support.

View the full Honor Roll of Donors List