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Our technology programs are intended for beginning and advanced professionals to gain the skills and strategies necessary for a career in technology.  These workshops provide the training that programmers and data specialists need to succeed in various technological fields, including cybersecurity, data analytics, and computer programming.
  • Computer Applications

    Technology has revolutionized business communications, and workers across all industries are now expected to demonstrate, at the very least, a basic level of computer literacy. In addition to understanding how to search the Internet and use word processing programs, workers can expand their career potential by mastering more advanced computer applications. Focusing on Microsoft Office software, these courses will guide learners through the tools and techniques needed to create products that both inform and impress.
  • Certificate in Cybersecurity

    This Certificate in Cybersecurity offers lessons on the critical elements of information security, as well as foundational information about key certifications for professionals in the industry.
  • Learning Experience Pathways

    This Certificate in Cybersecurity offers lessons on the critical elements of information security, as well as foundational information about key certifications for professionals in the industry.
  • Certificate in Online Learning

    This certificate offers instruction on the major models, tools, and techniques in creating and delivering online learning. It reviews the fundamentals of general learning theory and how it can be applied, in practice, to online design and instruction.
  • Remote Work

    Working remotely brings unique challenges to day-to-day work schedules. Technology issues can hinder your productivity and, when you're spending your whole day in the same place, it can be hard to transition from work hours to personal time. These courses will give you the tools you need to establish a work-life balance, maintain your health, and set up a proper workspace to prevent pesky technology issues.
  • Security Awareness

    Employee education is the best firewall. Having a security breach can cause irreparable damage to your reputation and your business. Our Security Awareness Training covers how to address common security challenges like phishing attacks, remote staff security, password protection, mobile device use, social media usage, and response and recovery plans.
  • Web Design

    These courses will introduce you to the essentials you need for crafting a well-designed and responsive website. You'll learn about design principles, user experiences, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and responsive design. Show your professional network you have the skills to stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of web development.