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Learning Experience Pathways

In collaboration with iDesign

Learning Experience (LX) Pathways is a competency-based educational journey for those interested in becoming an Instructional Technologist, Learning Architect, or Online Instructor. These online programs provide learning opportunities for aspiring instructional design and technology professionals. 

LX Pathways offers learners a “choose your own adventure” approach to acquiring beginning and advanced learning design and instructional technology skills, with a focus on quality and leadership in the field.

Competencies cover everything from the basics of learning management systems to universal design for learning (UDL), backward design, and project management. LX Pathways offers both self-paced and direct-feedback coaching options. Also, participants can earn stackable credentials and certificates.

LX Pathways offers three programs that you can follow. Those are Instructional Technologist, Learning Architect, or Online instructor. Click on the program below to learn more about each of them.

To get a 10% discount in any of the following courses, use code: MC_LX20

  • Instructional Technologist

    The Instructional Technologist (IT) competency-based learning pathway covers the fundamental knowledge and skills required to be a successful IT professional. The experience offers the opportunity to engage with both theoretical and practical aspects of working in this field. Follow the IT Pathway and you’ll learn about everything from the principles of good visual design to learner accessibility and video, audio, and image editing.

    The IT Pathway is comprised of 11 core competencies that are aligned to relevant content, practice activities, and self-assessments.  The competencies are grouped into thematic sets called “Tracks” —complete one successfully, and you can earn a digital badge in the following:

    • Learning Theories and Design Models 
    • User Experience 
    • Educational Technology and Accessibility 
    • Product Management Soft Skills 

    You can use the badge to enhance your résumé, CV, or professional Web presence (LinkedIn, for example).

    To get a 10% discount in any of the following courses, use code: MC_LX20


  • Learning Architect

    If you are dedicated to improving and enhancing accessible education options for adult learners—and you like the idea of working with team members and faculty to accomplish this—then consider exploring the Learning Architect pathway. Learning architects bring special expertise to the curation and creation of online course materials. The pathway experience is designed to lead you through the steps needed to acquire that expertise.

    The Learning Architect pathway consists of 13 core competencies that cover foundational knowledge and skills that a successful learning architect needs. The competencies are grouped into thematic sets called “Tracks” —complete one successfully, and you can earn a digital badge in the following:

    • Learning Theories and Design Models 

    • Student Experience 

    • Educational Technology 

    • Design Project Leadership 

    You can use the badge to enhance your résumé, CV, or professional Web presence (LinkedIn, for example).

    To get a 10% discount in any of the following courses, use code: MC_LX20


  • Online Instructor (Free Tuition)

    Designed for educators who are interested in a basic introduction to online teaching, this competency-based learning pathway covers the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to support your learners with care, empathy, and compassion. The experience will introduce you to both the theoretical and practical aspects of teaching online. Complete the competencies, and you'll learn about the myths of online learning, the community of inquiry (CoI) model, and how to leverage your teaching, cognitive, and social presence to engage online students.

    The Online Instructor Pathway comprises five core competencies that are aligned to relevant content, practice activities, and self-assessments. The modules are based on the community of inquiry (CoI) model and include:

    • Myths of online teaching and learning
    • Introduction to the community of inquiry
    • Teaching presence
    • Social presence
    • Cognitive presence