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1960s Brief History

Throughout most of the 1960s, the Manhattan College Air Force ROTC Program continued to attract many students and to accomplish its primary objective of producing quality career officers.  In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the ROTC Vitalization Act which permitted the Air Force to award college scholarships.  By 1966, as a direct result of this Act, Manhattan College received 20 Air Force scholarships, the greatest number in the New York-New England area. These scholarships included tuition, books, fees and a per month remuneration.  The Manhattan cadets garnered these awards in nationwide competition with 180 other Air Force Detachments.  In 1967, that number increased to 31 students on Air Force Scholarships at Manhattan College.  In this period, Manhattan was also among the leading schools in the region with the greatest number of Air Force commissions.  Throughout the 1960s, Manhattan College remained a leader in producing well-qualified officers into the United States Air Force.