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Previous Competitions

See below for a list of previous competitions and winners of the Innovation Challenge at Manhattan University, plus testimonies from past participants.


First Place & Audience Favorite


Dylan Davis, Sabrina Scalzo, John Polifroni, Lydia Gialluca

Second Place Winner


William Reed, Pouria Bacher

Third Place Winner


John DiVanna, Elizabeth LoVerde, Matthew Taibi



First Place Winner 


Theresa Donlon 

Second Place Winner

Green Acres Exchange

Luke Lampasona, Clinton Neils, Jackson Petrina, Jack Meilleur

Third Place Winner


Guadalupe Zamata Ovalle, Precious Adegoke

Audience Favorite 

Envision Rehabilitation 

Veronica Caruso, Kimberly Mains, Ryan Truhn, Caroline DAgostino


Watch The 7th Annual Innovation Challenge

First Place Winner 


Jeffrey Bartlett (Business Student), Desmond Cole (Business Student) 

Second Place Winner


Josue Encarnacion (Business Student), Adrian DeJesus (Business Student)

The Innovation Challenge was the perfect stage to demonstrate the skills needed to bring forth a business idea into real world application

Josue Encarnacion, Second Place Winner, 2020


Photo of Innovation Challenge 2019 Winners

First Place Winner 


Karthik Maddur (Engineering Student), Praise Omipanle (Engineering Student), Kishan Thakurdin (Engineering Student)

Second Place Winner

Button Blitz

Thomas Englert (Engineering Student), Chris Garritano (Engineering Student), Nicole Miller (Business Student), Gianna Pavone (Engineering Student) 

Third Place Winner


Lauryn Hughes (Business Student), Grace McNamara (Business Student), Grace Taggart (Business Student), Caroline Voigt (Business Student)

“The Innovation Challenge was a great catalyst towards our progress on our entry, as well as other entrepreneurial endeavors we plan on starting in the future.”

Caroline Voight, Third Place Winner, 2019


Business Innovation Winner

Little Bill

Francois-Xavier Thiolliere (engineering student) 

Social Innovation Winner


Evyn Gonzalez (business student) and Irving Lopez (science student)

The Innovation Challenge was really the push I needed to start working on my plans for a future business.

Benjamin Akyereko, Participant, 2017


Business Innovation Winner

Angel Ventures

Daniel Hey (business student) 

Social Innovation Winner

Trek, a company that produces global aid kits

Megan McKee (business student)

The Innovation Challenge helped me out tremendously, simply by putting a stamp of approval for my idea. Most importantly, the innovation competition taught me to pursue my ideas fiercely and take more risks.

Michael Mackay, First Place Winner, 2016


Business Innovation Winner

Daily Draft Download

Michael Mackay (business student)

Social Innovation Winner


Shannon Walsh, Mike McElhone, David Lothrop, and Ross Ketner (business students)


Business Innovation Winner

Genesis, which allows you to build your own App

Daniel Christiano (Business Student) and David Cannizzaro (engineering student)

Social Innovation Winner

JasperList, which provides online barter services for Manhattan University students, faculty, staff and alumni

Casey Barrett (engineering student)

The Innovation Challenge opened a door of opportunity for me. Since then, I initiated the patent process for the idea and have built upwards since then.

Lauren Masucci, Participant, 2014


First Place

Gabriel Quiroz and Graham Rose (business students)

Second Place

Key and Card Holder

Amanda Cromwell (liberal arts student) 

My College MLS

Emmet McInerney  (liberal arts student)

Third Place

Optimization of Solar Thermal Energy

Allen Fok and David Stahl (engineering students)

The Innovation Challenge was a great experience because it allowed us as engineers to think about the business aspect of things.

Allen Folk , Third Place Winner, 2013