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About Us

The radiation therapy technology (RTT) clinical concentration equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the dynamic landscape of radiation oncology. Radiation therapists are integral members of the radiation oncology team who play a pivotal role in caring for patients undergoing radiation treatment for both cancerous and non-cancerous medical conditions. 

The Radiation Therapy Technology department stands at the forefront of advancements in imaging and treatment modalities, offering an exciting opportunity for students who have a calling to make a difference in people's lives. Students are trained to assist in cutting-edge medical procedures and how to use the latest technology. Students in this program intern at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Westchester Medical Center, NYU Langone, and other world-renowned care facilities. 

This program is designed to train leaders who can meet the demands of the healthcare industry, particularly within the realm of radiation therapy.

The Radiation Therapy Technology is currently seeking programmatic accreditation from JRCERT.

Majors & Programs

  • Radiation Therapy Technology

    Our students undergo an intensive training regimen, comprising 230 clinical days in a radiation oncology clinic, meticulously designed to equip them with the practical skills and expertise necessary for their future careers.